Chapter 1 - Ava

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You know those women that get everything beautiful and magical without even trying?

The ones you see walking down the street, with their hair perfectly placed and each manicured finger polished to perfection. Like they don't have to do one single thing to be blessed with incredible opportunities and moments?

Yeah, well, I'm not that woman. I'm honestly pretty sure that somehow I've been granted some imaginary magnet that's fused itself to me. Signalling crap to attach itself. 

At least, that's what it feels like. 

Look, I'm not an 'Oh woe is me' kind of girl; I usually take it on the chin, lift my head high and keep pushing forward, but right now, as my hands shake and eyes blur with tears, it's easy to let that sad; deep in your gut, I hate my life; feeling overwhelm you.

I'm getting ahead of myself, though; I should probably start at the beginning.

2 years earlier.

"Ellie?" I call out in a bar full of people. Where is she? I've called her ten times since I landed, and still no answer.

The place is loud, bodies pushing into mine as I shuffle through the crowd.

"Ouch, watch where you're going!" I yell to the guy who stepped on my foot as he hurried passed without a glance back.
I run a hand over my now red toe. I should have worn something other than open-toe heels.

This night has already started crap; I want to find Ellie. I scan the crowd again, looking for her, as my ears perk at the conversation around me when I hear Flynn's name.

"Flynn Stone, I know; I still can't believe it. I've never seen an ambulance fly so fast."

Their voices are slightly muffled through the noise, and I can only hear bits and pieces. But they're enough that worry starts to churn my stomach. 

Thinking back, I probably shouldn't have had that extra bag of Doritos on the plane. Concern and cheese don't mix.

I press my fingers to the bridge of my nose, pushing back the vomit that wants to climb up my throat as I look up at the ceiling.

I call out again. "Ellie?"

I feel like no one has heard me because it's so fucking loud in here. I can't even hear me. Fuck it. I go up to the guy and the girl who were speaking a second ago.

"Excuse me, do you know Ellie Hudson?" I ask one of them, but before they can answer, there's a voice behind me, and my body instantly turns towards it.

"Did you say, Ellie Hudson?" I look up to see where the sound came from, becoming momentarily floored.

A pair of bright blue eyes stare into my dark brown ones, the colour so vivid as though you were staring into the most transparent ocean water.

The rest of this man's face comes into focus, and my breath hitches. But only briefly because my mind remembers what he had asked me.

"Yes, I'm looking for Ellie. Do you know where she is?"  He looks at me with something I can't place. Sadness? Maybe.

"You didn't hear, I'm assuming..." He says this almost reverently, like the words burn his tongue. 

"Hear what?" He stares at me and seems to blink slowly like he's in a slight daze, and I grow annoyed. His leisurely pace is frustrating.

"Hello?" I wave my hand from side to side. Maybe he's not the smartest; you can't be that hot without a catch.

"Can you just hurry up and tell me? Did something happen to Ellie?"
Okay, that was rude, but God, he's taking his fucking time, and the panic I'm feeling is starting to overwhelm me.

He continues to stare. Seemingly unfazed by my rudeness.
"No, she's fine. But Flynn Stone. He's her boss"

"Boss, yeah, I know." I move my hands in a continuous rolling motion, hoping he'll hurry the fuck up. And Flynn's her boyfriend, but that's not for him to know.

"Right." He clears his throat, and I cross my arms over my chest. He's pissing me off.

"He's in hospital. No one seems to have any information yet, just that he passed out, so El's at the hospital, too, giving the doctors information since she must have been there. You didn't see it on the news?"

"Fuck.. No, I just got off a plane." I say as I push past him.
His big warm body barely moves an inch. I would have probably gone home with him if this were a different scenario. He's easy on the eyes and doesn't need to talk to get me where I need to go. Lord knows I need it, but tonight Ellie needs me.

"Wait. Where are you going?" He calls out, and I hear his footsteps catch mine as I make it onto the sidewalk.

"To Ellie's place," I reply, not looking behind me.

"Hey. Stop." He says, and for some reason, I do. Yes, this man is gorgeous, like I would get on my knees attractive. But he sure as shit is frustrating.

"Yes? What's up?" I push the stray hairs from my face and look at him under the outdoor lighting of the bar and sidewalk.

"You can't grab a taxi alone at night in New York. You're asking to get mugged or worse." I cannot believe this guy. Do I look like I can't handle myself? Four years of karate with my dad ensured I knew exactly how to care for myself if needed.

"Actually, I'm a New Yorker, born and raised, and I can handle myself just fine." He bites the inside of his cheek, and some form of regret passes through me. But not enough to apologise.

He holds his hands up in defence. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I- I'm from here too, and it's not the safest place. Especially for someone that looks like you." He takes the chance to scan me from top to toe, stopping to stare at my manicured toes in my strappy Alexander Wang heels, and I don't miss the appreciative look he gives me.

"Well, thank you for your concern.." "Frankie." He finishes for me.

"Right. Thanks for the concern Frankie but I'm all good." I go to leave, but his hand gently stops me.

"Wait – I can drive you.." He's waiting for me to give him my name.  I contemplate ignoring it, but for some reason, I don't.

He smiles lightly and then looks down at his fingers sprawled across my wrist, and he lets go.

  "And no thanks. I'd rather not be on an episode of Dateline."

"You think I'd kill you and bury your body?" He says with amusement now.

"I think that New York is not the safest place for someone that looks like me." I roll my eyes as I retort his words back at him. "So no, Frankie Boy, I won't take you up on the offer. I don't get in cars with strangers." I expect some form of agitation, even extra convincing on his end. But what I get in return is the complete opposite.

"Technically, we're no longer strangers, darlin'. But no worries. I understand. When you get to Ellie's, tell her we're all thinking of Flynn." I shove down the parts of me that light up at his use of the word Darling. I'd generally find it condescending, but it rolls off his tongue something sweet, flirty, yes, but not overly sickly, and I nod my head. That was one of my most interesting interactions with a man.
I won't lie. He's piqued my curiosity. 

"Will do." This time I do leave, not needing to look back to know that Frankie is still standing right where I left him.

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