Chapter 2 - Ava

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The following two months flew by, and before I knew it, I was back in New York for the weekend, just in time for my mother's birthday.

"Hey, Mom, please check if this is cooked through. I think it is, but.." I poke the roast with the fork, and it springs back at me. Okay, maybe not so cooked yet.

"Honey, that thing might as well be clucking at you." She says with a laugh.

"Sweetheart, our little Avie is not a chicken connoisseur." Dad pats my shoulder and kisses my forehead.

"It's alright, slugger, you do killer mash potatoes."

"Thanks, Dad." I sit back and sip my wine as I watch my mom adjust the oven temperature and add extra bastings. I like cooking just fine; it's not my favourite pastime, so occasionally, I can be a little inept.

"So, honey, tell us what's been happening with you! How's work? Are you seeing anyone?"

"Beth," Dad says.

"What? A mother can't ask her daughter if there's someone special in her life?" Dad rolls his eyes but smiles, the same smile he always wears for my mom. It makes me ache on the inside. I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to be looked at like that by someone.

"Works fine, the same as always. And no, I am not dating anyone. I don't have time for a social life. I work and go home, and when I can, sneak off back here." I pick at the diced vegetables before my mom smacks my hand. I hold my hands up in surrender.

"No time for a social life isn't good, Ava; you're so young; your entire life is ahead of you. I don't want you to become burnt out."

"Already am," I reply, and I'm met with concerned stares. Shit. "I'm fine; I was just joking. I'm just busy, but that's good. Means more money, and hopefully, someday, I might even apply to a bigger club." They glance at one another but nod their heads.

"Do you still want to work in Hockey – after.." She's tiptoeing like she always does. I can talk about Oliver, the feelings of wanting to strangle him with my bare hands are almost gone. Almost.

"Yeah, I guess I know the game well now. And the past is in the past. I'm good at my job, and I've already invested so much time; it would be a rooky mistake to let that go."

"Whatever you want, honey. As long as my baby girl is happy."

"I'm happy, Mom." And I am. Sometimes...

I rub my belly after dinner; I miss home-cooked meals. Nothing beats it.

"That dinner was amazing. Happy Birthday, Mom." She smiles warmly as Dad wraps his arms around her, whispering something in her ear that makes her blush. I'd be wholly grossed out if they weren't so in love. I'm not one for excessive affection. At least not anymore. I grab my bag, pull out an envelope from within it, and hand it to the birthday girl.

"Oh, darling, what's this? You don't have to get your old mom anything."

"Shh, it's your birthday; just open it." I bite my lip in anticipation as she carefully opens the envelope. I hate watching people open their presents; everyone seems to take their time and open things slowly, rip it and get to the good part. I watch her face contort in shock, and my dad does the same.

"Ava." Dad begins. "This is too much." Mom finishes.

"Consider it a birthday and early anniversary gift."

"Honey, this is a two-week trip to Europe. I can't – we can't."

"Yes, you can, and you will. It is non-refundable, so you have to." I watch as they look at each other in utter disbelief. My parents have money, don't get me wrong, but they're not flashy people; they don't need to work anymore and live in a beautiful brownstone, but they raised me to be cautious with money, to always work for what I have and never to be spoiled.

Can I spoil myself now? Yes. Because I work my ass off for it, and my obsession with designer heels can't be contained. But this present is more than just a trip. It's a thank you for being the best parents I could have asked for and a million other reasons.

"We don't know what to say." Mom replies as she wipes her tears.

"How about Ava you are the best daughter we ever had, and we are happy to let you house-sit while we are gone."

Dad laughs. "You're the only daughter we have."

"Details.." I wink and hug them both.

Falling For Frankie (Cali/New York Men Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now