Riding the Waves🌊

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*as the rest of the week goes by Billy thinks of what Susan told him and decides to teach Max to surf, hoping it'll be a way for them to connect a bit better so after school that Friday he picks her up and once she's in the car he decides to tell her his idea*

Billy: "So I was wondering if you wanna learn how to surf? I could teach you and it's pretty similar to skating, without the wheels of course. I was planning on going if you wanna join me, if not that's fine too, it's just an idea" *he tells her, anxiously waiting for her response*

Max: "Sure, why not but I don't have a surfboard and my swimsuit is at home"

Billy:  "I've got a spare board you can use and if you like surfing, you can keep it. We'll grab your swimsuit at home cause I need to get my swim trunks anyways"

*happy she agreed and starts driving home and once they grab their swimwear, towels, sunscreen and put the surfboards in the trunk/backseat of his Camaro, they drive to the beach nearby, once they arrive at the beach it brings back a lot of memories of Billy as a young kid when he would come with his mom to the beach and surf, making him smile as the salty breeze blows through his hair. They unload all their things out of the car and go down to the beach, where Billy shows her the proper way to stand and lay on the board, how to wax her board, and once she's ready they both go in the water, laying on their stomachs and paddling with their arms*

Billy: "First rule of surfing, never turn your back on the water, sneaker waves and rip currents are not fun to get stuck in, and don't rush to stand on your board the first time, start by getting up on your knees first"

*she gives him a thumbs up and keeps an eye on the waves, looking for a good wave to catch and after a few minutes a really good wave comes towards them, so they start to paddle quickly so they don't lose the wave and Billy catches it with ease, standing up on his board but also keeping an eye on Max, watches as each wave she starts to slowly gain more confidence and soon starts getting up on her knees easily. By the 5th or 6th attempt Max is almost fully standing up on her board but wipes out after a few seconds of standing up, and he can tell she seems to be getting frustrated so billy decides to encourage her*

Billy: "you can do this, I believe in you!" *he shouts in her direction so she can hear him over the sound of the waves crashing. She hears his words of encouragement and gives him a smile and waits for the next wave to come towards them. Soon a really good wave starts forming behind them. Both Billy and max starts padding fast to not lose the wave and Billy catches the wave easily, standing up on his board and after a few moments Max stands up and successfully catches her first wave, seeing this makes Billy really proud and he cheers her on*

Billy: "I knew you could do it, you're already a pro surfer! I'm proud of you for not giving up!"

*max smiles at him and after surfing a bit longer they get out of the water and walk back to his car, drying off. For a moment things are quiet until Max speaks up*

Max: "Thank you, for bringing me here and teaching me to surf. I had a great time doing this with you"

*Billy smiles at her, glad she had fun and is glad he's finally starting to make progress connecting with Max*

Billy: "I had a lot of fun doing this with you too kiddo. Anytime you wanna surf again, just let me know and we'll come back"

*they stay for a little bit longer, watching the sunset, mesmerized by the the vibrant colors of the sunset reflecting onto the ocean then they head back home*

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