Sibling Headcannons pt. 2 (school version)

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(First I wanna say I'm sorry for not uploading anything in a while, school has been draining af and family stuff has been going on, but I'll try being more active <3)

max headcannon's at school:

-loves skating in the parking lot or behind the school before and after school
-fav subject would be either science or math
-spends most of her time with dustin & lucas, sits with them at lunch
-she will definitely stand up for anyone (and most likely beat someone up) *cough cough, mike*
-doodles in her notebooks

Billy headcannons at school:
-Spends most of his time in the gym playing basketball or lifting weights
-hates every class (personally I don't blame him)
-as soon as the bell rings to end class he's one of the first people out of the classroom
-he's competitive af in PE
-he would probably throw a crumpled piece of paper at either his teacher or one of his classmates for fun

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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