Im just a rapper (chapter 5)

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5 days later
Durk POV

Leilani has been fucking missing for too fucking long. I swear on my brother I'm gon kill whoever took her. Soon as i get her back I'm not letting her go or out my sight. You never know what you have till it's gone. I've only known her for a few months and it feels like we have known each other forever. I cut off all my hoes and set boundaries for keesha. I will find lei and cherish her forever. I had my ace look into the kidnapping. He should be giving me some addresses today. I didn't know how to break the news to her family that she was missing. Her kids ask me everyday where she went and there's nothing i can really say for it to sound okay.

Tia calling.....
"Yes Tia I'm still waiting"
"Please stop yelling. And you not coming if something happens tj will never forgive me"
Tia- "it's either i go with y'all or i meet y'all there you pick"
"Fine be ready at 11"

I missed lei so much i didn't know how to express my love for her . I bought her so much shit. Wigs,teddy bears, purses,shoes, and jewelry. I had it all in bags sitting on the side of her bed. Sometimes i wonder if she is dead. I never got a chance to actually have something real in life. I'm really a solid ass nigga but, she makes me soft man.

I dropped her kids off with my moms since she was already in town for visiting my kids. I went home took a shower and got dressed . All black, nigga already know what's happening.
I had two DB 380 on each side of the my hip. A AK47 across my body and a G21 in the back on my waist. I also so had two extra guns on each leg . I'm ready to catch bodies about mine. I hear Tia , Tj , & the rest of the gang pull up so i go to the door and open it.

Everyone speaks as they come in and we all gather around the kitchen table.

Me- "Ite, so i got a blue print of the building . It's 15 of us and it's 4 exits. But, they have a lot men armed especially if it's the niggas i think it is"
Tia-"what niggas?"
Me-"Tazz son cause these mofos killed tazz"
Tj-my bad

We sat there for about an hour talking about the plan and who goes where. Next thing you know i get a text from ace dropping the addy. It was go time

"Ace just dropped the addy let's dip"

We all get in the black unmarked van huge asf. They had computers for my homie geeky to hack they lights & cameras. This place was two fucking hours from us .
I was so mad and lost in my thought i pray she isn't dead i don't think i could live.

Tia- "durk we gonna find her and get these niggas . It's gon be okay "
Me-"yuh i guess. Aye y'all please don't die i hate funerals"

*2 Hours & 20 mins later*

Soon as we park geeky did his shit and blacked the whole place out. He said we had 15 mins before they back up generator come on. So rushed out and every body went they ways.

I was by myself i was trying to go straight to her. If i was right she was down in the basement which was underground in the building. So i grabbed my gun on my hip and went in for the kill. I shot two niggas. This gun i choose is one of the most quiet & silent guns.

Some nigga came behind me and tried to choke me out so, i started pistol whipping is as. Im not gon lie this nigga was stong as shit.

Mannnn tia don tagged along and i pray she don't get shot again. I can't loose her I'm in love with her deeply she just doesn't know it. I saw some niggas try to creep on her i hit his ass with my gun. We were supposed to take out all the niggas on the first floor left side. I swear it's about 10 niggas down here so i decided to start with slicing throats. It's more silent. Tia was on the same thing i was on.

We started approaching two niggas and we snuck up on them and sliced ''em out. 8 more niggas to go. We literally see a whole group of 5 standing around i don't know how we bouta play this.

We scrunched behind some bins & got our guns out & started aiming. Once we was clear one of us would say clear before we take our shot.

Clea--- -me

Tia looks at tj and she sees some one came behind tj and stabbed him good. She took the shot before getting up. Then she went in for the kill on the stabber. She stomped this nigga out till his skull cracked.

"Omg baby are u okay"-tia
" babe it's okay imma be okay-Tj
"I love you please don't die, imma apply pressure" -Tia

They all had this little red button lights on their sleeve. If someone is injured we press it to let the team know. So Tia pressed it.

I get to the basement and there is a ass of doors . I hear a humming or one of my songs called All my life. I knew it was lei because who gon be singing that in this place. I also figured she was close if i herd her. I open the door and it's not who I'm looking for so i let her out and close the door.

They red light came on which meant someone on the team is injured. I pray it's nothing serious. I said NO FUNERALS.
I knew i reached the right door because some big ass nigga come out of no wear pushing me. Like imma rapper I'm not no G I Joe. I was hard core wrestling this nigga. Another nigga came in and shot me in the back of my leg. I fell down and while i was down i grabbed both guns from each leg and shot them niggas .

They were dead but, now I couldn't fucking move to open the door. So i just fucking waited. I literally planned out EVERYTHING. If I didn't meet chop back onna front end by 20min then he was coming. Everything I just went thru I prolly got 5 mins left so I waited while holding my leg.

Mins later I hear chop run my way because he whispered my name and soon as he turned the Corner to get to me. My surprise some dumb nigga comes and holds a Gun to my head .


Leilani POV

I hear durk scream "fuck" . I got excited and scared so many emotions running thru my body. I feel like I have been here forever. These mofos have hung me by my arms and almost drowned me. The list goes on and on. My body was so fucking exhausted I could barley move. I was on some crusty ass fucking chair and chains were wrapped around me. Mind you I had two black eyes. Bitch I wasn't seeing shit.
All I could do was think about my kids and my life. I ask god everyday to forgive me for my sins. I guess my killing karma finally came back around and met up with me!

"POP POP" is all I hear . Who the fuck just got shot ! I start crying and it hurts to fucking cry like wtf. I CRY EVEN MORE. God this person that's rambling with this door knob better be my savior or I'm fucking dead.

Thanks for reading ❤️ All imagination

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