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"What's up guys! It's your boys Elijah, Mark, and Zack. We are also here with the newly released Harry!" Elijah greeted and Harry just stared off into the vast field in front of them, not even giving him a single response in any way. "Today we are here to try to break into this jail that apparently has the joker confided in," Elijah continued and Harry did look behind him and saw the jail in the distance. However, he still didn't say or do anything. That's something that he fell into towards the end of his five years of being a serious and torturing mental institution. Even though the doctors said that he should be in there for a little while longer, they didn't have any reason to have him in there for any longer, so they had no other choice.

"Yes, so if you live under a rock, then you probably don't know about this crazy man. He's known to harm individuals. Whether it was torture, murder, or even kidnapping, he would do it. He would set off explosives, steal, and so much more and he was pretty much unstoppable. No one was ever able to stop this man, but they did take action once they saw that he was vulnerable," Mark told and Harry was back to staring off to absolutely nothing in particular.

"Yes. Now, for everyone's safety. Even for the regular criminals and mentally unstable patients, they couldn't have a guy like him in the same building as him. Because he could make almost anything into a weapon. Almost anything, but the cops didn't want to risk it, so for everyone's safety, they put him into a place where no one could touch him or see him face to face. The only way for the cops to talk to him is through a video call. They just didn't want to throw more bodies into his direction," Zack says and Harry wasn't even facing the camera at this point. He was really bored.

Now why was he in confinement? Well after him threatening people and being stopped by the police before he could even make that threat into a promise so many times, he has to be stopped soon. He would rob places, vandalize, and do such horrendous things that I couldn't even list out. He was known as Harley, but after so much time within that one establishment, he was back to being Harry Styles. Even though he personally hates that name, people are seriously ignoring that now that he's 'sane'.

I quote it because Harry was seriously thinking about how many weapons he could make with the surroundings that they are in. Unlike the joker, Harry can make a weapon out of anything and he would know how to use them to his advantage at the same time. He would even be highly unstoppable once he finally gets to do what he's always wanted to do.

Like right now.... He really wanted to kill his 'friends'. Ever since his release, he was somehow included with these people who he really hated being around. They tease him because of his well known name and they poke fun about how they believed that he wasn't really going to do anything to anyone. That he was just talk and no action. Harry really wanted to prove them wrong, but he's lost motivation and the excitement to do so. What he's done has definitely brought a good amount of joy into his life, but they took it away from him.

"Harry?" Zack called out and Harry blinked and saw that they were now entering the building. "We were just talking about the lack of security. Don't you think that there should be some kind of barrier so that this lunatic doesn't escape?" He asked the curly haired male and all that Harry did was humm and look around the place. It was surely spacious and even Harry was questioning the thought process of the police force

Why didn't he just escape? Harry wondered as he was looking at the many escape roots that he would even put into action if he was imprisoned here.

"Damn... this place has a big ass cafeteria," Mark said and Harry looked around the space as the annoying pricks were setting up their home base. Harry didn't bring anything with him, because he really thought that this whole thing was stupid. He believed that even if the Joker was stationed here, then he would definitely be long gone by now. Like there is zero security here. How are they supposed to make sure that he was here anyways? Through the stupid cameras? Harry just shook his head at the thought. Maybe thy just have some high-tech device on him that makes it hard for him to even try to leave? Yeah... that makes more sense.

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