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Hi everyone! If you're reading this, thank you so much for the support. I am by no means a writer, just a 20 year old girl with far to much time on her hands, who uses reading as an escape.

That being said this book is for those who feel out of place, who us reading as a temporary escape, and all those hopeless romantics, like me (despite being 20 without a first kiss... whoops)

This is a LGBTQ+ book, the main relationship may be a girl and boy, but has mentions of other characters in different queer relationships as well, and being queer is a important part of the book, so if that makes you uncomfortable, unrespectfully, fuck off. 

I do not write smut, however as reader I know it can be annoying when an author complete skips intimate scenes without specifying how far they went (which can often be an important point) so even though there will not be detailed smut there will be a brief description so all you readers know what happened.

I also despise big time jumps, so I will try and keep them to no more than a week (with a few exceptions) This book is also going to mainly be from El's POV, but will have a handful of chapters from others.

That being said I had so many ideas for this story, and as I sit here writing this I'm still questioning the best way to share it, nor the exact plan, who ends with who is still up for debate, but I think I've solved it, by writing 2 books, which will have similar struggles, but will be a bxb book, and may even a spin off of this book, meaning the same characters but different povs, but I've come up with so many scenarios, and each scenarios affects the characters in different ways, so all the main characters have incredibly important stories and as much as I want to write from each persons point of view, ultimately that would make for quite a confusing story. 

This book content mature topics so please read the list carefully and if any of this may trigger you, please pick a different book to read (check out heart of glass on my page)

contains -sex, swearing, eating disorders(no mention of exact weight or amount of calories), self harm (nothing super descriptive), homophobia, and abuse (blood and bruises)

I will add trigger warnings at the beginning of chapters that contain these topics. I promise the whole book isn't sad and just about these topics, these are just the things that may trigger people

Okay, know that we've covered all that, I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing I do not want to put any spoilers but if any of you want to know any details about these triggers, or have questions such as wondering is its a sad or happy ending please comment those here and I will answer all questions. So only open this comment thread is you are okay with seeing spoilers 

Here we go, Chapter 1 :)

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