Chapter 4

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Salem knelt down in front of Aurora and smiled gently, "Maybe another day, Princess. My mom has a very important doctor's appointment today so I need to get home and get all my homework done and I need to make sure these two get their homework done as well. I want to be a big help and make sure dinner is already made so my mom doesn't have to do it when she gets home from the doctor. Do you remember how she said in her video how it is hard for her to go to the doctor sometimes so it makes it to where she can't talk?" Aurora nodded so Salem smiled, "Well, we want to make sure the house is all nice and clean so she can just come home and relax. She still isn't used to all your daddies, they aren't friends just yet like you and me and these knuckleheads so if she were to come home and everyone would be there, it would make her nervous and all her words would get stuck in her throat. I want her to be friends with your daddies like we are so I don't think today would be a good day for a visit. But I have your daddy's number and when she is feeling brave enough I will reach out to him and we can set up a play day for everyone to hang out and become friends, okay?"

Aurora thought it over and nodded, "okay, Miss Rosie needs west after doctor."

"Yes she does," Jackson nodded. "It can be very scary for her at times."

"Will you three be okay being home alone?" Axel asked. "One or two of us can stay with you until you think she will be coming home."

"Yeah, we'll be fine," Josh nodded. "Her doctor is close by so she won't be gone long. It ain't like when you were kids and would be home alone forever. She refuses to do that to us."

Aurora pouted, "Call when get home, pwease? Make home safe."

"How about this, Goldilocks?" Josh chuckled, "If your daddy lets you use his phone, you can video call us and we can talk to you while we skate home and when we get home so you can see that we are safe and sound. Then we can still hang out until Momma gets home."

Her eyes lit up and she hugged each one of them, "Okay," she smiled brightly as she took the phone from Luke. Josh told her his number and chuckled as he answered the video call. "Where helmet?" She asked when she watched them get on their skateboards.

"Um, we didn't bring them," Jackson admitted sheepishly while rubbing his neck.

"Not safe," she pouted angrily at them, crossing her small arms over her chest while making sure not to drop Luke's phone.

"You're correct, Chipmunk," Jackson nodded. "We promise from now on we will wear our helmets."

"Yep," Salem and Josh agreed, making her smile again.

"Okay, be exta caweful," Aurora said, pointing at them seriously.

"Yes, Ma'am," all three boys smirked.

"Come on Daddies," Aurora said as she climbed into Luke's car while watching the video call as Sean buckled her in. "I show bestest friends our home."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Silas smiled as she watched the scenery from the boys' perspectives on their skateboards. They were passing the phone back and forth between them as they listened to her tell them all about what she learned in school.

The boys arrived at Salem's house and he unlocked it then reset the alarm after they locked the door. "Daddy, I sit at table too," she declared when she saw that Salem had propped up the phone so she could see that all three of them were going to sit at the dining room table to do their schoolwork.

"Okay, Little One," Kota smirked as he pulled her homework packet out of her folder and sat it down on their dining room table. "No complaints this time?"

"No," she declared, "I do my work wif my bestest friends."

"Oh, that's the trick to get you to do your homework now is it?" Kota chuckled as Salem, Jackson, and Josh chuckled too.

"You got the oven preheating?" Josh asked Salem.

"Yeah and the lasagna already out on the pan," Salem said as he pulled multiple books out of his bag.

"Whoa, that lot," Aurora's eyes widened when she saw all the books and multiple notebooks the boys had on the table.

"Yeah, well, we have a bunch of classes," Salem nodded. "But it's okay because it just means we are learning a lot of things."

"What making?" She asked hearing the oven beep.

"I'm going to put a frozen lasagna in the oven so we can have it for dinner tonight," Salem explained as Jackson held up the phone so she could watch him.

"Oh, Daddy, I want lasnanana for dinner too," Aurora declared.

"I don't have the stuff to make lasagna," Marc shook his head.

"Go to store pwease?" she asked while pouting.

"That actually does sound good," multiple men pointed out.

"Fine," Marc chuckled, "I'll go to the store. Finish your homework."

She beamed and nodded, "Okay."

The three boys looked over their shoulder when they heard the front door open and the alarm be disabled. They smiled as they called out, "Hey Momma."

"Dinner is already in the oven," Salem explained as she came over to them and hugged each one. "We are just working on our homework now. Princess Aurora is also doing her homework."

Rose looked around confused before Salem pointed to Josh's phone. She opened her mouth then frowned before trying again. Huffing in anger when she couldn't get the words out, she just waved before moving out of the view of the camera. "She says hi," Salem smiled gently.

Aurora smiled, "I waved, I go color her picture now."

Salem nodded, "I think that's a great idea. She will love it."

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