3 faction meeting

972 15 5

1 day anther isseis death

with Michael sirzechs and Azazel 

Azazel: so I'm assuming that we no why we are here right}he look that the other two

sirsechs: yes now that were here i would like to hear how's isseis parents taking the news about his death

Azazel: not to well considering they lost a son}{he looks at him} how would you feel is it was you

sirzechs: i see Michael what of draig 

Michael: sigh there seems to be a problem with gods symem 

sirzechs: in what way 

Michael: the boosted gear is no longer in the symem

Azazel: what how

Michael:  i do not know but he could have died along issei do to the boosted gear on his arm still thou

Azazel: and what of rias peerage

sirsechs: they don't talk to her if is needed 

Michael: and vali how's she 

Azazel: she's taken her training a lot more serios but she's masking her feelings 

sirsechs: and what about ophis as she been seen lately 

Azazel: vali has met and asked for help regerging issei 

Michael: what did ophis say 

Azazel: the only thing she said was i will find great red 

sirsechs: great red what dose he have to do with this 

Azazel: I do not know bu-

i believe i know what happened

came a new voice 

who are you 

what you cant feel my power 

this power it cant be ........ great red what are you doing here

great red: oh and i was about to shed some light on what happened with issei and draig

sirsechs: what are you talking about he's dead isn't he

great red: it depends on your view point yes he died but he not dead he's gone to a deferent world then this

Michael: then we need to go find and bring him home 

great red: i wouldn't be to hasty do you even know what this world is like 

Michael: no bu-

great red: but i will help i cant bring you to him but i can show you what he's doing and i should worn you time works different here then there 

he then creates a rift were they see a city of monsters and two people rimuru and issei fighting ogres 

to be continued 

a/n i know this one is short but i wanted to get this out of the way i might do a second story on the dxd watching issei and rimurus adventure to becoming the strongest  

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