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Chapter 2: Encountering Team RWBY

The forest echoed with the clash of steel against bone, punctuated by grunts of effort and the occasional quip. Spike leaned against a tree, his one visible eye watching the four girls from a distance. They were surrounded by a pack of Grimm, the creatures snarling and lunging at them with savage abandon.

"Can't say I've seen these guys on Ganymede," Spike mused to himself, his lips curling into a wry smile.

As he observed the battle, his fingers twitched involuntarily, aching for the weight of a gun in his hand. He was itching to join the fray, but there was a part of him that held back, content to remain an observer for now.

Yet, fate had other plans.

One of the creatures, a twisted fusion of bone and sinew, lunged at the red-cloaked girl—Ruby, he remembered—her silver eyes wide with determination. Before Spike could fully comprehend his own actions, his body moved on its own. He lunged forward, his lean form colliding with the Grimm, knocking it off course just in time.

Spike's momentum carried him and the creature away from Ruby, and they crashed into the underbrush. The impact knocked the wind out of Spike, but instinct and adrenaline fueled his movements. He grappled with the creature, using his weight to pin it to the ground. His hands found purchase on its bony mask, and he twisted it with a sharp, practiced jerk. The mask cracked, and the creature let out an otherworldly screech before dissolving into black smoke.

Spike pushed himself up, his chest heaving as he brushed dirt off his clothes. He turned to see Ruby and the others finishing off the remaining Grimm, their weapons gleaming in the filtered sunlight.

"Damn, that was impressive," Spike commented, his voice casual despite the rapid thud of his heart.

Ruby approached him, a mix of surprise and curiosity in her eyes. "You're really good at fighting. Who are you?"

Spike's lips twitched into a half-smile. "Just a guy who happened to be in the right place at the right time."

The white-haired girl, Weiss, approached next, her expression more guarded. "Coincidence or not, your assistance was appreciated."

The black-haired girl, Blake, eyed him thoughtfully. "You're not an ordinary civilian. Your movements were too precise."

Spike chuckled. "Well, I've had my fair share of scuffles in my time. Name's Spike Spiegel."

Yang, the blonde girl, grinned and extended a hand. "Yang Xiao Long. Thanks for the help."

Spike shook her hand, the corner of his mouth quirking up. "No problem, Yang."

Ruby tilted her head, her silver eyes still assessing him. "Are you a Huntsman?"

Spike's eyebrow lifted in amusement. "Huntsman, bounty hunter, whatever you wanna call it. I'm just passing through."

Weiss crossed her arms, her expression skeptical. "And why should we believe you?"

Spike shrugged, his nonchalance unwavering. "You don't have to. But trust me, I've got no reason to stick around if you're not my kind of trouble."

There was a moment of silence as the girls exchanged glances, seemingly communicating without words. Spike's gaze drifted over each of them—Ruby's determined look, Weiss' cautious skepticism, Blake's subtle curiosity, and Yang's easygoing grin.

Finally, Ruby extended her hand with a small smile. "Well, Spike Spiegel, it seems we could use all the help we can get. Welcome to Team RWBY."

Spike's lips curled into a genuine smile as he shook Ruby's hand. "Thanks, Ruby. Let's see where this adventure takes us."

And so, Spike's introduction to Team RWBY was a blend of gratitude and suspicion, setting the stage for the unlikely partnership that would soon blossom in the face of Remnant's challenges.

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