Part 4

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The rhythmic clatter of the train wheels reverberated as the locomotive smoothly glided across the tracks. I gazed out the window, watching, dancing with my fingers . I reached for my  headset.

Scrolling through my playlist, my fingers found the song that spoke to me at that very moment—"The Heart Wants What It Wants" by Selena Gomez.

As the first notes of the song began to play, I leaned back in my seat, allowing the music to envelop me. I closed my eyes.

The train screeches to a halt at the station, and I quickly collect my baggage from the rack, letting out a groan of relief.

The air carries the distinct smell of the town, clean and sustainable, a testament to the efficient rulers who govern it. As I step out onto the platform, I notice everyone around me seems busy, caught up in their own worlds, paying no attention to my arrival.

Dragging my luggage behind me, I fish my cell phone out of my bag. After a moment of searching," I found it". Ah!

"Time to give Agus a call," I mutter to myself. 

I dial his number, there's no answer. I frown, but I'm not too worried. I know his address, will catch him.

I hail a taxi from in front of the station and provide the driver with the address. The ride is smooth, and I can't help but be captivated by the towering skyscrapers and the hustle and bustle of the people in the subways, all seemingly in a rush for something, or maybe just for time itself. Unlike my place this city is in rush , no one cares. Even in crowds we have privacy.

The car went into the high gate towering and making the inside world .

Well  the guard made me to practically beg to let me pass inside.

In anger the driver dropped me and my luggage outside the gate Patience the greatest virtue ! I murmured . Finally here I'm , I found the villa number ,take in the sight of the two-story house surrounded by a lush garden. Observing many of the plants here are from my father's collection. The familiar scent of home washes over me, bringing a sense of comfort.

 I open the gates and press the calling bell. It rings three times, but still no sign of him. I can't wait any longer; exhaustion and hunger are getting the better of me.

I know Agus cooks well, and I figure I can find something to eat in the fridge. He has mentioned it during our previous conversations. I have the passcode, after all. My birthdate. Without further hesitation, I let myself in, eager for some rest and a satisfying meal.

I entered the house, placing my luggage in the front living room before heading to the kitchen. 

I opened the fridge, revealing a treasure trove of food. Hungry, I grabbed the Nutella and started eating it straight from the bottle with my hand. After taking a few bites, I removed the coat I had been wearing over my frock and placed it down. I tucked my hair behind my ears and indulging in the Nutella.

While moving to the close the front door. I felt someone behind me. A 6.5 feet, athletic body , behind me.

 I inhaled ,my senses caught a strong male cologne. He wore a ask t-shirt and shorts his legs seemed waxed and his hair unruly and shiny like golden threads, tempting to touch them  and it was cut into layers . One layer was near his ear, other touched the nape. And the front layers some touched his face which he hand combed back during the brief glance he exchanged with me. 


 It's him.

I am caught by surprise, and the breath that escapes my mouth feels hot. I can't help but stare at his face, meeting his gaze.

Hi, I murmured.

A hand appeared on his shoulder, asking me, "Who are you?"

Small hips, long legs, a graceful neck, a great jawline, and small lips  a girl in perfect shape.

I stumbled upon seeing him so close.

"JK," I said. He looked straight at me, his eyes intense, and I couldn't hold his gaze, so I looked down.

He moved close to me ,causing me to step two steps back .

"Agus ain't here," he said quickly, almost dismissively. 

"Did you break in?"
I didn't open the door that means I don't wish to let you inside


Then he turned, closing the door on me, and walked away.

I frowned, standing there for a moment, unsure of what to do. I was surprised that he knew my name and addressed me casually, . But it was also rude the way he closed the door on me without giving me a chance to ask or even respond.

Do he know  me ?

My mind was blowing with a thousand questions.

Which I never got a chance to ask.


Hai people , how was you weekend ?

Do you have one sided love , crushes ? how did it went ? how do you meet ?

drop your answers . 

hope you have a amazing weekend 

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