Chapter 63: The First Accident

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Chapter 63: The First Accident

*sorry for any mistakes*

((-Destiny's POV-))

Frost. The smell of sweat from players before. The sound of commotion in the bleachers rings in my ears. My breath can be seen in the air, showing the dry chill from the rink. This was it. This was the day I had trained so hard for.

When I took my first step onto the rink, I could almost feel electricity pulse through me. It was that wonderful sensation I'd been waiting for all day. My whole team glides across the ice and I follow the girl in front of me to the center of the rink. Once there, the other team was announced and began making their way onto the rink as well. They were going to be a tough team to beat, I could tell. There uniforms were black and gold, and I could see fire in their eyes, not that we didn't. It was one girl in particular that scared me the most.

She had long black hair that she messily pulled back into her helmet. Every part of her looked huge and muscly. But the scariest part was her eyes. They were black, like charcoal. Cold and dark. And worst of all- they were staring dead at me.

I was pulled out of my trance when I heard the ref blow his whistle and start shouting the rules and how the game will be played. Nothing fancy, everything we already knew. This was good; familiar. We lined up in our starting positions as the ref held out the puck in the air, holding the whistle up to his mouth. I was the starter, and when I looked up, the black-haired girl had her eyes set dead on me still, causing a knot in my stomach. It was me and her starting off, face-to-face. My heart beat wildly in my chest as the referee dropped the puck in what felt like slow motion. The whistle blared and the game was alive.

As soon as it hit the ground, the puck was all mine. I covered it quickly before quickly passing it to one of my teammates, who began gliding it down the rink. I ran after her and the black-haired girl followed close behind.

The girl passed it to another teammate, whom made a clear shot into the goal. Our first, easy point.

The rest of the game played out a bit differently. Most of it was back-and-forth and not a whole lot of scoring. By the third period, we were tied 4 to 4. There was only two minutes left on the clock and I prayed with all my might that we would win. Once the puck was dropped, the whole crowd was going berserk, cheering for their team to win. I had the puck passed to me and was so close to the goal, I could almost taste it.

One minute left.

I smacked the puck to the girl on my right, hoping she'd dodge the big burly blonde girl covering her. She tried to make a shot, but it was stolen by a girl who looked way too small to be playing hockey.

30 seconds left.

Number 17 on our team had bashed the other girl against the wall, sending the puck flying straight to me. I had it, and there was no stopping me now.

20 seconds left.

I sprinted down the ice. This was it. This was the moment I had been waiting for. As I was getting close to the goal, I glanced up into the crowd. I searched as quickly as possible, until I saw him. And there he was, standing, cheering, with the widest smile I had ever seen on someone's face. There was no way he was really here for me, shouting my name no matter who heard it.

I was so close to scoring, I could almost taste it. This game was ours. I could do this. As soon as I was about to shoot the puck when I was as close as possible, I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

The black-haired girl.

She came out of nowhere, and was flying straight towards me at a speed I didn't know was humanly possible. Before I could make a move, she came flying at me like a bomb. There was nothing I could've done to stop it.

0 seconds left.

Lights out.

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