Chapter 59: Liam

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Chapter 59: Liam

*sorry for any mistakes*

((-Liam's POV-))

Ever since Niall went looking for Destiny, things have gotten sticky. Niall is supposed to always be here and at least let management know when he's going somewhere, but this time, he had different plans. So, Modest! has been ripping our heads off about it, and meetings with the paparazzi have turned into interrogations.

"Ready to go?" Danielle asks me. We're at me and the boys' flat right now and are about to leave for dinner. It's going to be a sort of triple date with me, Louis, and Zayn. Harry felt too awkward going and decided to stay home.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I reply, slipping on my black dress shoes.

"Hey, it's alright. I know there's going to be lots of press out there tonight, but we have to just stick it through at some point, right?" Her sweet tone makes me nod with a smile. "Plus, you'll have me by your side," she winks.

A chuckle escapes me, then I look at her, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Taking her hand, we walk out of the house and to the driveway where the car is parked. Louis, Eleanor, Perrie, and Zayn are to meet us at the restaurant. Unfortunately, we can't walk into our own driveway without being bombarded by paparazzi.

"Liam! Liam!" One of them shouts. "Is it true that Niall and Zayn got into an argument?"

"Where's Niall now?"

"Does Niall's whereabouts have to do with the fight?"

"Does it have to do with Ms. Carter?"

"Liam! Where are the other boys?"

Their burst of questions make me tense up with nervousness. I never heard about a fight. All I know is that Niall went to find Destiny. I guess you never really get the whole story behind things.

"Maybe you should get off of his lawn before we call the cops!" Danielle shouted above the buzzing paps, "and mind your own business!"

Wow. Never heard her talk to anyone like that before. That voice only comes out so often: her angry voice.

We clamber into the car and drive away, leaving a mob of paparazzi's in our driveway wondering what exactly happened. We're silent for a moment until I finally chime in, "you know, you didn't have to do that for me. We could've just ignored them."

I'm keeping my eyes on the road, but from the corner of my eye I can tell she's staring at me. "Those guys have no right to be snooping around in your, or the others boys, business. I hated seeing you look so upset too."

"I wasn't upset."

"Oh... Okay," she replied, obviously not believing me.

"I wasn't upset..."

We drove the rest of the way in silence.


((-Zayn's POV-))

I want to eat, I really do. But what with all the drama going on and the fight with Niall, I just am not in the mood for food. I feel horrible. Was it right of me to blow up at him? Of course it was. He was being a total jerk anyway; I was only letting him know that.

But then why did I feel so guilty? I just wanted him to hurry up and bring Destiny back so I could clear the air with him.

Perrie grabs my hand at the dinner table, making me jump slightly at the sudden affection. "Are you alright, dear?" She asks.

I look at her, "yeah. I'm fine."

"Okay," she keeps quiet for a minute, "is this about Niall?" She chimes back in, making me tense up.

"You heard?"

"I heard."

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that-"

"Why are you apologizing to me, silly? It's Niall that you fought with. What exactly happened?"

The moment replayed in my mind:

"GOD! FINE. GO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. Call me in Vancouver when you're done with your little temper tantrum."

Christ, I was so mean to him. And Niall had never even done anything to me before. He was just trying to help Destiny and was a bit frazzled, and I just had to go berserk on him. Niall's sad, crystal eyes fogged up my mind, making me feel worse.

"Jesus. I was such a douche to him. We just... I don't know. We just got into an argument over whether or not he should suddenly just go after Destiny. I mean, his whole job is at stake right now! Leaving like this? I just thought I was looking out for him..."

Perrie caressed my hand with hers, making the warmth from her fingers electrify into mine. "Oh, honey. You're really beating yourself up about this, aren't you?"

"Yeah. I guess."

"Well, you shouldn't. When Niall gets back, just have a chat with him. You guys can never stay mad at each other for too long. You're besties!" Her word choice made me laugh, "let's just have fun tonight, okay? Maybe it'll take your mind off it."

As soon as I nodded, Liam and Louis walked in, along with Daniel and Eleanor. "Sorry we're late." Louis apologized.

"Paps were all over us," Liam continued.

"No worries. We just got here," I said, beginning to look at the menu, although I was lying. We had been there for almost twenty minutes talking. And not once had we stumbled upon the paparazzi. Weird, right?

The night continued on with small talk, Louis corny jokes, and story-telling about our days. Liam seemed a little tense with me the whole time, while Louis, Daniel, Eleanor, and Perrie continued on with conversation that seemed to slip my mind.

Towards the end of the night, Louis suddenly chimed in and said, "so, does anyone know when Niall will be back?"


Suddenly, Liam replied sharply, "I don't know, perhaps you should ask Zayn."

All eyes were now on me, and I gave Liam a confused look, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know, maybe it's just everyone has been leaving me in the dark about everything lately and I'm sick and tired of all the drama.?" Liam snapped. His sudden tone shocked me, making my eyes bulge... Did he... Know about the fight between Niall and I? "I know about the fight, Zayn," well, that confirmed my question.

"Are we really going to talk about this right now?" Eleanor asked.

"No... No we're not..." Liam's voiced trailed off, "I'm sorry. I'm just frazzled lately, that's all."

I gave Liam a polite nod, "it's alright, lad. It's my problem and I'm going to fix it as soon as Niall gets back. Everything will get better everyone, I promise."

And with that, the night continued as normal.


Guys I'm crying so hard rn omg I'm really behind on Once Upon a Time (I'm on season 3) but OMG I'm crying. I just discovered -ALERT: Don't read this part of you don't want spoilers to the show! Btw, it's super good- THAT MULAN IS IN LOVE WITH SLEEPING BEAUTY

ONFG AJDJAKDNCNSKEJG IM STILL FANGIRLING AHHHHHH!!¡¡!!¡¡¡¡¡!!¡😀😉😍😒😗😜😁😆😎😓😘😝😂😇☺️😏😔😙😞😃😈😋😐😕😚😟😄👿😌😑😖😛😠😡😦😫😰😵😢😧😬😱😶😣😨😭😲😷😤😩😮😳😥😪😯😴

Anyhow, enough about me! What's up, buttercup? Comment what you thought of this chappy and how y'all are doing😃 kisses! Xoxo


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