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evie was slouched in the chair next to ashtray, her eyes directly in front of her as she watched him place and count money on the table in front of them

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evie was slouched in the chair next to ashtray, her eyes directly in front of her as she watched him place and count money on the table in front of them.

the glass door opened, and the two turned to see braylee walk into the freezers.

braylees eyebrows raised, "hi, evie."

evie smiled at her best friend, getting up to bring her into a hug. she asked her how she had been, as it had been awhile since she'd seen her, other then in school.

evie sat back down and watched as ashtray and braylee talked, before ashtray handed her a small bag of weed.

evies eyes went down to their hands, and she watched as the two touched hands slowly. her eyes squinted, watching as the two made eye contact before ashtray pulled his hand away.

it looked like something out of a movie, with two people who have history.

evie immediately felt curious, and jealous. her eyes stayed squinted, and she ran her tongue over her bottom lip.

she heard ashtray clear his throat, before braylee said her goodbyes to both of them and left.

evie wondered if she just watched the interaction too close and was now overthinking it. she glanced over at ashtray, but stayed quiet.

"what?" ashtray spoke, leaning back.

evie furrowed her eyebrows, "what?"

ashtray rolled his eyes, "whatchu you thinkin about?"

"i'm not thinking about anything." evie shrugged, turning away.

ashtray smacked his lips, "don't lie to me, evie."

evie tapped her feet on the ground, before letting out a breath and turning her whole body towards him. "have you and braylee done something before?"

"whatchu mean, done something?" he raised his eyebrows.

evie gave him a bored look, "you know what i mean."

ashtray chuckled, before humming. "we kissed a few times."

evie felt tightness in her chest, her lips curling as repeated the words 'a few times.' in her mind. she felt like she wanted to say so many things, but instead she let out a scoff and stood up.

ashtray immediately grabbed her, "why are you mad?"

"are you stupid?" evie spoke, pulling her hand away.

"mama— it wasn't recent, chill." he spoke, making evie pause.

she let out a groan, sitting back down and crossing her arms as she avoided eye contact. she looked like a kid throwing a fit, causing ashtray to laugh and evie to mug him.

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