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Evie sat, plucking at her ripped jeans as she talked to Fezco

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Evie sat, plucking at her ripped jeans as she talked to Fezco. she told him about Rues new friend, Elliot— who she said seems like a cool person, although she had only spoken to the boy like twice.

her birthday, which she scolded him for not going to it.

and his new roommate, who was sitting not too far from her. Faye, who she had met at that drug deal they went to on new years.

Evie thought the girl was sweet. she always made conversation with her, and seemed like a positive person. although, she was always high and that came with it— most of the time.

"you know, ashtray got me matching bracelets." Evie spoke in a question tone, pulling her sleeve up to show him the bracelet that laid on her wrist.

Fezco let out a chuckle, as he had been the one to tell Ashtray that it was a good idea. Ashtray had asked him about it, but felt that it was corny and not a good gift. "yeah, i know." he nodded.

the twos heads turned as they heard a clacking noise. turning to see Lexi Howard walking into the store.

Evie watched as she innocently smiled at Fezco, her arms behind her back as she seemed a little nervous.

Fezcos eyes lit up at the sight of her, his smile returning as he followed her with his eyes. "lexi howard."

Lexi walked in front of him, standing with a smile on her face. "hi."

"how you doin?"

"good. um—" Lexi paused as Fez moved his head and Faye and Evie became visible.

"hi, i'm faye." Faye smiled, her head resting on the wall.

"hi, lexi." Evie waved.

Lexi pursed her lips, slowly waving back at Evie, before looking back at Faye. "i'm lexi, um—"

Lexi looked between Fezco and Faye, "are you guys?.."

"yeah, no. she's just staying with me for a bit. but, she's cool, though." Fezco tried to reassure, although it wasn't very convincing.

Evie shook her head, watching as Lexi slowly nodded.

"what brings you out here anyway?"

"oh— i just came to get a drink."

"okay, well.. we got plenty of those."

Evie scoffed out a chuckle, leaning her head back.

"um.. do you need help finding anything?"

"no, i'm okay."

"oh, uh, that's the malt liquor."

"yeah, i know."

Evie raised her head again as she heard a car door close, turning and watching as Cal Jacobs walked into the store.

"yo, sorry i didn't get to say goodbye on new years." Fezco continued to talk to Lexi, not noticing Cal.

"good evening." Cal greeted, making Evies eyebrows furrow.

"sup, man."

Evie glanced around the room, noticing how Lexi looked full of fear and Fez looked only confused. she watched as he glanced at Lexi, before looking at Ashtray through the glass.

she tapped her fingertips on her knees as the store began to feel tense and awkward.

"you got any spearmint gum?"

"i don't know, man. the gums right here."

"this your store?"

"it's a family business."

"your parents own it?"

"you usually ask this many questions, man?"

as Lexi moved from staring at the malt liquor, she moved towards the chips that was right by Evie.

Evie stared as Cal followed and grabbed a bag of chips, making Lexi go tense as he reached over her.

"just you."

the store fell silent for a few seconds, before Cal gestured to Lexi with his head. "she tell you who i am?"

Evies head turned back to Lexi, who only glanced at her before looking back at the two talking.

"nah, man."

"are you a cop?" Faye spoke, making Evie shake her head.


he turned to her, before looking at Lexi and slowly putting his hand in his jacket pocket. Evie watched his hand very closely, and felt her heart beat speed up when she heard a clicking noise.

the store fell dramatically silent, and no one moved an inch.

Evie turned her head when she heard shuffling in the freezers, knowing Ashtray was doing something which only made her grow more nervous because she didn't know exactly what.

Evie felt like laughing because of how dramatic the situation felt. but the silence made her nervous.

due to the silence, she could hear another gun cock. her bottom lip went in between her teeth, and she began tapping each of her fingertips on thumb.

as Cal began pulling his hand out of his pocket, she slowly started to move off of the counter she was sitting on.

she let out a breath when she saw a twenty dollar bill in his hand, sliding back on the counter with a scoff. "weird ass." she mumbled.

he placed the money by Fez, "just a concerned father." before walking out of the store.

Fezco slid off of the counter and followed him, watching him start his truck and drive off.

"well." Evie clicked her tongue, making Lexi turn to her.

"happy late birthday." she spoke, before walking out of the store as well.


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who do y'all want a book about after this?


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