Part 1

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[edited: 10/1/2024]

A/N: This is set before the Trials of Apollo because I can't be bothered reading them.

Also, I have literally no idea what to call this Fic, so if you have any ideas let me know in the comments!

E/N (Editor/Ehobep's note):

Don't worry, I have, almost, so at least one of us knows what we're doing. On with the chapter.

Nico POV

I awoke to the pounding of a fist on my door. Who would be knocking at this ungodsly hour of the morning?!?

"Too early! Go away!" I yelled at whoever was out there, my voice cracking slightly.

"No! Open the door!" Yelled my significant annoyance, Will.

"I'm asleep!" Note the sarcasm.

At that, Will opened the door and walked into my cabin, casting it in the bright light of the morning.

I looked up and saw his angelic face, with his honey-blond hair catching the sun, giving him a shining halo.

He walked over to the corner where I had un-ceremonially shoved my bed.

"It's time to get up now. You need to eat breakfast." He stated bluntly.

I glared tiredly in response but he had already reached my bed and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me off of the bed without much difficulty.

"Can I at least get dressed first?" I say, gesturing down at the matching set of black and grey pyjamas.

Will blushed and nodded, leaving my cabin.

Grumbling, I dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black shirt with a skull on it.

I opened the door to the cabin, wincing as the sun shone into my eyes.
Will, catching sight of me fully dressed, started walking cheerfully towards the dining pavilion, me following gloomily behind.

When we reached the pavilion Will sat me at the Apollo table (before you tell Chiron, I have a doctor's note), and looked me dead in the eye,

"Eat or else." Will tried to threaten, but I knew he was just taking care of me.

"Yah yah..."

"I mean it, Nico. You need to eat. Make sure you take your medication, too." I almost forgot about that. After the war, I had been diagnosed with PTSD and depression. Not gonna lie, it didn't surprise me.

"Just do it, Nico, he won't stop." It was Austin, he knew Will better than most.

I nod and he smirks at me before eating his own breakfast.

Le time skip brought to you by Dr Dufinshmurts Inc.

After breakfast Will took me over to Thalia's tree, claiming that he wanted to tell me something.

Sitting at the base of the tree he turned to face me and smiled.

"I was thinking, it might be fun to go on a road trip. Just you and me. We can travel all around America. See some sights without having to worry about a quest, just be able to relax." He said, trepidation in his voice.

At first I was stunned, but I thought it over for a moment. It seems like a good idea. But would Chiron and Mr.D let us leave camp?

"What about Chiron and Mr.D? I thought you needed a quest to leave camp?"

"I'm sure he can make an exception. Besides, you leave camp all the time. So it's not like you're worried that you'll get into trouble." Will reasoned.

He was right about that.

"I can leave whenever I want because I'm the ambassador of my father. You, on the other hand, might get kicked out of camp! And what about the infirmary? You're the camp doctor! You can't just leave!" I knew that he wouldn't get kicked out, but with Mr D, well, you can never be sure.

I don't want someone to die just because I wanted to go on a trip with my boyfriend.

"Don't worry about that. Do you remember that new Apollo kid we got 3 months ago? I've been training her, and she's almost as good as me! I'm sure that she can stop anyone from dying for just 2 months." Will did have a good point, I had met Jenny once, and she seemed to have almost as sunny an aura as Will, if that was even possible.

"Fine. But only if you can get Mr.D and Chiron to let you go. I'm not having you kicked out of camp just because you went on a trip with me." I relent

Will looks excited and immediately rushes to the Big House to ask Chiron.

Le time skip brought to you by Jerry the moth and his cousin Jed the sea turtle

Will's POV

When I arrived at the big house I had already formulated a plan on how to get them to agree. I walked in and saw Mr.D and Chiron playing a game of pinochle. Mr.D seemed to be winning because he looked quite cheery. That was good news for me.

Then Mr. D slammed a card on the table yelling "Aha! Beat that you old-" he looked up and censored himself, "Man. What do you want, Wally?" He said turning to me,

"I was hoping to talk to you both about potentially going on a road trip with Nico. Before you say not just here me ou-" I was cut off by Mr.D, saying,

"How long would you be gone for?"

I stared at him, my jaw hanging open, was he actually saying yes?!?

"Well? How long will the 2 of you be gone?"

I blinked and quickly answered him,

"Maybe a month or 2? If it's ok?" To my amazement, Mr.D looked like he was actually considering the notion.

"I suppose it would be nice to get rid of 2 campers, at least for a few months."

No way, he might actually let us go!!

"Thank you so much, Mr. D!"

"Yes, yes. Just make sure that Nick doesn't get into too much trouble. Now let me finish my game with Chiron and get out. Before I change my mind."

I rushed out of the Big House and went to find Nico to tell him the good news.

A/N: heeellllooooo!

I just want to say that I actually have a plan for this story. So rest assured that I'm not going to abandon it.

Hope you like my fic!



This chapter has now been blessed by my excellent editing skills, but please, tell me if I missed anything. Anything at all. Tell me.😈

I also realized that Theresa said "Actually" FOUR times in quick succession, but I let it slide to fit her style.


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