Part 14.

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A/N: This was number 5 in Percy Jackson for a hot minute, so just,

Thank y'all so much for that and 7k reads.

Let's get this party started!

Clint POV:

Curiosity burned in my gut, like of if I put 3 pounds of chili peppers in Steve's soup, then at dinner forget that I did that and accidentally ate the soup. Not that that's ever happened though. I wait from my spot on the couch connected to the kitchen until Steve and Bucky had left the room, the door swinging shut silently behind them; before flat out sprinting to the nearest vent and crawling after them with practiced ease. Not, however, missing Natasha mumble something about immaturity. I'm not immature Nat. How could she say such a thing! If anything, she's immature.

Bucky and Steve came to a stop just inside Steve's room, knocking me from my very mature thoughts. I peer through the metal grate and settle down. No telling how long this would take, eavesdropping is a very tiring task. Luckily for me, I was a seasoned professional.

"You wanted to talk to me?" said Bucky, a curios yet somewhat apprehensive tone to his voice.

"Ya....." Steve seemed to trail off, not knowing how to start the conversation. He appeared to steal himself, and powered on. "Do you remember, before Captain America, when it was just me and you, do... do you remember what we used to be like? Do-" his voice seemed to drop a tone, and I had to strain my ears to catch his next words. "Do you remember, us?" 

I was so astounded that I nearly followed Will's example of falling out of the vent.  Damn it. I owe Tony 50 bucks. 

Bucky POV: 

I blinked. Of all the things for him to have asked if I remembered, I was least expecting that. Don't get me wrong, I'm overjoyed. I've been internally debating bringing it up for months now, but it never felt like the right time. 

It's just.... I always manage to convince myself that he didn't have feelings for me anymore. That even if the general population's opinion has changed, he might have changed his mind. Maybe that's why he wanted to talk to me about it. To tell me that he doesn't care about me that way and he never wants to bring it up ever again. What if he- "Hey, Bucky, you still with me?" Steve's anxious voice breaks me from my downward spiral. "Ya, sorry, just spaced out." He seemed to buy it. 

We were stuck in a awkward silence for a second, before Steve spoke up again. "So, I was thinking, if you're up for it... you-would-maybe-consider-going-on-a-date-with-me-but-if-not-that's-totally-fine--" I cut him off by doing the thing I had been wanting to do for months. I connected his lips with mine. He froze for a moment before pulling me closer. 

And now the author has grown uncomfortable writing this. Please watch this advertisement while we make out. 

"Kraft Mac & Cheese. It's like my bathrobe and slippers had a baby on my tongue." 

"Kraft Mac & Cheese. If your parents don't buy it for you, stop loving them."

"You'll take it to the freshman dance. And you'll get to first base."

"So good, you'll wanna fire your Grandma."

"Like laying in a warm wet bed. That you're not ashamed of."

"If you don't like it, I'll fucking find you."

"Kraft Mac & Cheese. Help yourself. And never stop loving your parents."

Commercial break over. #Not sponsored 

Bruce POV: 

As I was finishing up wrapping the kid's scarred torso, questions and anger bubbled through every thought. But I focused on what was important right now, which was helping the kid heal, and not further traumatizing him by hulking out. 

I would have asked Nico to leave the room, but he looked just as concerned, if not more concerned than I was. So I let him stay; although I doubt that he would have left whether I told him to or not.

I did the last wrap and secured it tightly; passing Will his shirt, which he pulled up quickly as I sat in the seat I had placed in front of him.

I lean forward, my elbows resting on my knees and hands clasped on my lap in a serios manner and said the three words that had been burning through my mind since I saw the horrific sight of his back.

"Who did this?"

A/N: I have a science test tomorrow. Have I studied? No. Will I study? Possibly. 

In sadder news, just about half the people in my year found out about me being bi, and now people are being homophobic. Of joy. But seriously. WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?

Anygays, byeeeee!!!


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