(POLY + FLUFF) CH.2 ;; - Hyperkitkat -

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just saying in case; I am NOT good at writing poly relationships, this is my first time! Please correct me if I did anything wrong, so yeahhh
Ship: Hyperlaser x Medkit x Katana (?)
Genre: Fluff
Time: Early morning
Setting/Place: bed. ion know who's bed it is, as long as its medkits or katanas 😦
Summary: Medkit asks what Hyperlaser and Katana look like underneath their helmet/mask. (And in addition hyperlaser asks who looks better in the end because he does a little trolling lmfao)
Request: caxmi_

It was early In the morning, 6 AM. Medkit woke up first. He sat up on his bed, looking at his two lovers sleeping peacefully together. He smiled. He loved the both of them, the three loved eachother equally.

Come to think of it, Medkit has never seen Katana's and Hyperlaser's face before. Instead of interrupting his both of his lovers sleep, he decided to wait for the both of them to wake up.

But lucky for Medkit, Katana and Hyperlaser manage to wake up a few minutes later. " Good morning... Did you two sleep well? " Medkit said, looking over to his two lovers who he loved very much.

Hyperlaser yawned. Medkit realized another question, how do they sleep with their helmet/mask on? Now's the time to ask them those two questions. " I slept well. I had this strange dream, though... " Hyperlaser said. Having a sleepy voice, since he did just wake up.

" I, too, slept well. I did not have a strange dream like Hyper though. " Katana said, sitting up on the bed whilst Hyperlaser was still lying down.

" Hey... I've actually got a question for you two. " Medkit looked at the both of them. Katana and Hyperlaser looked at him too, seeming interested in his question. " You know how I've never really seen your faces before? Well, if you both dont mind... May I see your faces? You don't have to show me them if you're not comfortable. "

Katana and Hyperlaser looked at eachother. They seem to be considering their answer on Medkit's question. Finally, Katana looked over to Medkit and said; " Alright... But we're not gonna be that good looking. " Medkit smiled again. " I'm sure both of you are good looking. I'm not gonna judge both of you because of how you two look. Promise. I love you two too much for that. "

" Thank you, meddy. " Hyperlaser said, before taking off his helmet. Katana took off his mask too, revealing their faces. Medkit was surprised of how they looked, but in a good way. " ...Wow... " He said. He was in pure shock. In a good way, of course.

" What? What is it? " Hyperlaser said, being a bit worried that Medkit didn't like how they looked. Especially because of their wounds, and the fact that Hyperlaser himself had no horns. " Sorry- it's just that you two are so...pretty. With or without your masks or helmets. "

Medkit reassured them. He seemed genuine about it. " ... Really? " Both Katana and Hyperlaser were surprised with Medkits response. They'd both thought that Medkit wouldn't like what they'd look like underneath their mask/helmet, but they were wrong.

" ...Are you certain? " Katana said, both of them (Katana and Hyperlaser) wanting confirmation. They both couldn't believe that Medkit would actually compliment them about their looks, as they were expecting that he would react negatively. But again, they were wrong. Medkit did truly think that they were beautiful.

" I am. I'm not kidding, both of you look so...so beautiful. Look, even if you may think of yourselves as ugly or disgusting because of how you two look, just remember that I think that the both of you look gorgeous and that I love you both very much. " Medkit then kissed the both of them on the cheek.

Hyperlaser and Katana blushed. They were certainly not expecting that, but they were happy. They were happy because Medkit accepted then for how they looked. They were glad that Medkit didn't leave them for how they looked. (Bonus points; Hyperlaser and Katana showed their faces to eachother before the three of them got into a relationship, they knew how they looked like) (they were also worried that if they showed their actual faces to Medkit, Medkit would leave them for how they looked the first time the three of them got into a poly relationship.)

" Thank you, Medkit. " Hyperlaser said, smiling at him. " We love you too. We love you very much. " Katana said with a smile as well. In the end, all of them were happy. Then, Hyperlaser had an idea.

" Hey, Meddy... Who do you think looks better? Me or Katana? " Hyperlaser said with a smug grin on his face, he then winked. Katana caught on to this, and played along. " I do think I'm the more handsome one here, the answer is obvious. " Katana said with the same smile.

" Um... What? " Medkit thought about it, then he got what Hyperlaser and Katana were doing. " Oooohh. Well, I think you're both beautiful. It's a tie. " He said smiling back at them. He was being genuine.

" Aw, come on! I'm obviously the cuter one. " Hyperlaser said, with a fake angry expression. It was cute though. " You've got it wrong, hyper. I am. " Katana looked over to him.

" Heh, come on guys. We still have to get ready for the day ahead of us. Come on. " Medkit said getting up from the bed to change. This was certainly one of the best mornings Medkit has had. Medkit had a lot of good mornings, and this was one of them.

Medkit loved the day that he got together with Hyperlaser and Katana, and he loved the both of them very, very much. Even so to the point that he won't leave them or betray them. Ever.

Sorry for using "he said" a lot in this story lol
Requests still open!
Thank you, caxmi_ for requesting Hyperkitkat! This was my first time writing a poly relationship. Sorry for being a tad bit rusty :)

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