The Country without Doctors

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YAHOOO! Let's go guys! So I took a short vacation last week after two years and I have to say I'm feeling refreshed. I'm also looking forward to watching the new One Piece. I don't know what to expect but it's nice to have something to look forward to after dealing with so many of life's adversities

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Sakura lay in the bed, her gaze fixated on the ceiling as she struggled to focus her vision. The world seemed to blur and waver before her eyes, a disorienting dance of shapes and colors. Each passing moment brought with it a growing difficulty as if her very sight was slipping away like sand through her fingers. It was a cruel irony, she thought, that after all the battles she had fought, it would be a mere infection that threatened to claim her life.

Death held no fear for Sakura. The countless missions and close encounters in her world, the war that had raged, had numbed her to the trepidation of mortality. She had seen too many patients slip through her fingers, too many lives extinguished without a moment to ponder their final thoughts. How many had considered her their last hope for survival, and how many had she let down? And now, here she was, rendered helpless and dependent on others to save her in the field she had devoted herself to—medicine.

Though unspoken, Sakura understood this truth all too well. She had underestimated the unfamiliarity of this world compared to her own and the time it would take for her to adapt. The pirate ship that had granted her refuge could not conjure an antidote for her ailment; she could barely summon the strength to walk, let alone focus and analyze for a cure. She needed another doctor.

Suddenly, a sound pierced through the air, one she had come to recognize all too well—a gunshot. Sakura's heart quickened with worry, propelling her out of bed and up the stairs, her weakened body fueled by adrenaline. With determination etched upon her face, she hoisted herself onto the deck, overlooking the scene.




Vivi was there, her voice filled with concern as she urged Luffy to cease his reckless fight, assuring him that she had only been grazed. The princess was on her knees, bowed before the people surrounding them, her voice tremulous yet resolute. "We won't dock, but please, call a doctor for our friend!"

Her worry deepened, compelling her to push past her frailty and venture onto the deck. "What's happening?" she inquired, her voice laced with urgency. But her presence was in the background as all her crew mates became more concerned with the dozens of people surrounding the ship on either side of the land.

"You're not fit to be captain Luffy! Not everything can be fixed with recklessness! What will happen to Sakrua if you fight here?"

Vivi's words cut through the air, chastising Luffy for his unfitting leadership and emphasizing the grave consequence—Sakura's life hanging by a thread. The gravity of the situation hung heavy in the frigid air.

The ship was stationed between a narrow strip of water, encircled by the icy embrace of snow and frost. Sakura had ventured out with no protection but a pajama top and pants, her bare feet turning red from the unforgiving cold. It was Usopp who spotted her first, his concern guiding him to her side as he rushed over, tucking his arm under her own for support.

"Sakura!" His exclamation brought the attention of the others "What are you doing out here?"

"Idiot, I told you to stay in bed!" Zoro scolded, his words laced with both frustration and genuine worry.

"Who did it..." Sakura panted, she glared up at the men standing over the Going Merry, "Who hurt Vivi!?"

Despite her own pain, Sakura's fiery determination blazed in her eyes as she glared at the men responsible, demanding to know who had dared to hurt her. Sakura rushed to her side, her hands alight with healing energy, ready to mend her wound. Yet, even in her valiant effort, Sakura's body betrayed her, wavering in faltering steps before collapsing.

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