Sleepover (Updated)

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Authors note - I've added lots of extra content in the chapter and possibly doubled its length! I just don't know when to stop I guess.

Hey, you ok?

Hi my love! I'm good thank you
how are you? 😊

I'm good! Was wondering if you
wanted to come over at some point
this week? We could collab on twitch
if you'd like! Or I can teach you
to make cookies!

I'm off tomorrow and the
day after! Or is that too short

No that's perfect! I'll pick you up
about 11 if that's good with you

You are aware I can drive
right? 🤣 there's no need to
pick me up

Fine, drive yourself 😉

Millie spends the morning cooking, she's made a homemade steak and ale pie to take to Lando's as she figured he wouldn't have had a proper meal since he got back home. She gets herself ready, putting on an orange vintage play suit with paisley print, sunglasses and brown Birkenstocks. It's a pretty warm day and she wants to stay as cool as possible in her car.

She makes the hour long journey listening to the radio and letting her thoughts get away from her. She likes Lando. A lot. He's funny, kind, absolutely beautiful. And she isn't afraid to be herself in front of him.

She arrives outside Lando's house and picks up her phone to call him, "Hey I'm here can you let me in please?"

"Of course!" He squeals gleefully.

The electric gates buzz open and she drives in and parks on his very large driveway. She spies Lando stood at his front door waiting for her and gives him a wave before hopping out of the car and perching her sunglasses on top of her head.

She notices his expression which is filled with glee, his eyes are bright and his mouth dropped open in utter shock. "You drive a Mercedes?!"

Millie sighs and chuckles slightly, "No. I drive Ford Focus... It was a present from George!"

"Ah of course. Makes sense!" he giggles, his mouth curling to form a huge grin, "It's very nice!Although I think you'd suit a McLaren more!" Lando replies cheekily, flashing her his signature wink.

"I knew you'd say that. Now are we going to stand outside all day or are you going to invite me in?" Millie chuckles, pursing her lips slightly.

"Of course! Sorry! Come in!" Lando gestures, blushing slightly. "You look lovely by the way. Loving the colour!" he smirks, closing the door behind them both.

"Thought you would." Millie rolls her eyes playfully, as she makes her way into the kitchen.  "I brought food!"

"Of course you did!" Lando smiles gleefully. "You're the best you know that?!"

"I know!" Millie teases, scrunching her nose tightly.

She places the pie dish onto the countertop and unwraps it.

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