Car Crash (Updated)

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It's time for the Dutch GP, and in important race for Lando. He was looking forward to seeing Millie, he knows it's wrong to still have feelings for her but he just can't help it. She mentioned she was going to come to support Carlos but he can't find her anywhere.

Which garage you hiding in?


Ferrari or Mercedes?


Well where are you then?😂

At home, in bed.

What? Why? Are you ok?

It's a long story

Mills what's wrong you're worrying

I'm okay Lando, just focus
on the race. I'll ring you afterwards,
good luck!❤️

Lando is concerned, why isn't she here? She was so excited to come this week as she's rarely gone to any GP's this year. But yet she's home, in bed. He has to find George.

"George mate is Millie ok? She said she was coming this week and I haven't seen her so I thought I'd text her to see where she is and she says she's at home?" He asks as he crosses paths with the Mercedes driver in the paddock.

"You haven't heard? I thought she'd of told you seeing as you two are best friends." He shoots Lando a look of disappointment.

"No, nothing. Is she ok?" Lando pleads, wanting answers.

"Look she thinks I'm a dickhead for not wanting her to get close to the drivers. But I'm just looking out for her. Don't want her getting hurt again." He scowls.

"Have I done something?" Lando asks confused.

"No, not you Lando. Carlos!" George snaps.

"What's he done to her George? Tell me!" Lando snaps back, a sense of urgency in his voice.

"It's not my place to say Lando, she's fine all things considered." A member of the Mercedes team comes up to George gesturing that they need to leave. "Listen I've got to go I'll see you later."

Race weekend flies by,


Lando finished down in 7th, he wasn't happy but he was too distracted to be upset. It's probably why he ended up down in 7th in the first place. But he didn't care. He just wanted to go home and make sure Millie was ok. George was no help whatsoever.

He arrives back in England Monday evening and drives straight to her house. She stopped replying to his texts last night and won't pick up the phone, Lando is worried beyond belief.

He gets out of the car and knocks at the door. No answer. Lando waits a moment and knocks again. Still no answer. He tries the door handle and it's unlocked, so he walks in cautiously.

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