Chapter 2

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No one POV~
Kakashi doesn't want to worry any of his students or his friends so he hides his scars and his face from the them and the world, but their was people worried about him they can see he is hurting even though he has a mask on. These two people are suppose to be dead but they are not they are watching over Kakashi because they truly care about him and his health, but they are most worried about what is going on with Kakashi that makes him stay inside his house all the time. These two people are obito Uchiha and Sakumo hatake yes Kakashis crush and Kakashis dad, they are standing in the shadows watching and listening Kakashi and tenzo talk right in front of obitos grave.

Obito noticed Kakashi was uncomfortable while talking to tenzo because he saw Kakashi flinching when tenzo touched his shoulder or hand obito was about to go and save Kakashi but Sakumo put a hand on his shoulder. Obito sighed and they both left Kakashi was actually uncomfortable around tenzo right now he couldn't take another minute with him so gulped and said "I must go to my students they are probably waiting for me to train them." Kakashi walked past tenzo he just smiled and said "senpai I will see you tonight to have some fun" Kakashi stopped and gulped the started walking again to the the training field.

After training~
Kakashi said bye to sai, sakura, and naruto then he left to go back to his house when he arrived he opened the door then he took his shoes off and put them by the mat. Kakashi then walked to the kitchen and saw his dogs waiting for him he smiled underneath his mask and walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the dog food. Then he walked over to the big bowl and poured enough dog food for all of his dogs Kakashi then he closed the bag up and put it back in the cabinet where it was.

Kakashi walked to his bedroom and walked in and closed the door behind him when he locked it someone from behind him grabbed his waist pulling him close to the other figure who was behind him. Kakashi shivered because he knew who it was the figure was tenzo Kakashi turned his head and saw tenzo smirking Kakashi gulped and said "t-tenzo." Tenzo face became Sturn and he said "take off your mask Kakashi when I am here" Kakashi just obliged what tenzo wanted and took off his mask his hands were already shaking because he was scared very scared.

Tenzo let go of Kakashi and demanded "sit on the bed now" Kakashi just kept following tenzos rules like a puppet Kakashi sat on the bed while tenzo got out a bottle of pills. Tenzo walked over to Kakashi and chugged the whole bottle down Kakashis throat kakashi started losing his vision then everything went black and he passed out. Obito and sakumo appeared outside Kakashis window so they can see what was happening because they both sensed chakra from Kakashis house which wasn't Kakashis.

When obito and sakumo got to the window the were disgusted and horrified what was happening they watched Tenzo hurt kakashi  then leave without any amount of guilt in heart. When tenzo left Kakashis house obito waited a few minutes before we kamuied in there when he was right next to kakashi he saw a bottle of pills and that made obito pissed. Obito slowly calmed down then he picked up kakashi bridal style and kamuied back to where sakumo was sakumo almost screamed when he saw kakashis state, obito and sakumo then left the village again.

When the got back to their base obito brought kakashi to his room and layed him down on his bed then he noticed kakashis bandages wrapped around him tightly. Then obito knew this is not the first time kakashi has been hurt by Tenzo obito slowly calmed down again then he covered kakashi with the blanket then he left the room. Obito walked to sakumo who was on the couch waiting for obito when Sakumo saw him he immediately stood up and said "how is he" obito looked at sakumos face which looked extremely worried.

Obito sighed and said "kakashi will be fine sakumo" sakumo immediately looked happy then obito continued "but this is not first time he has been hurt by Tenzo because he has bloody bandages already on his body." Sakumo turned shocked then he turned mad obito walked up to sakumo and hugged him and said "it's gonna be okay sakumo we are gonna take care of him until he gets better of course." Sakumo hugged back and calmed down then said "thank you obito you are definitely good for my son" obito smiled and nodded both backed away from the hug, sakumo went to his room while obito went back to his.

The next day~
Kakashi woke up and immediately got scared because this wasn't his house this wasn't his bed he had no idea where he was then he saw someone kamui in it was someone wearing a mask. The man looked down at kakashi then he sat down next to kakashi when the man tried touching kakashi, kakashi moved further away from him the man sighed like he was expected this would happen. The man then took off his mask and revealed himself kakashi turned shocked with the person in front of him because it was obito the person he thought was dead a long time ago.

Kakashi managed to say "o-obi is that you" obito chuckled and nodded and said "ya it's me Kashi" when Kakashi heard that nickname he moved closer to obito and hugged him. Obito was surprised at first but then hugged back and smiled kakashi released the hug and said "wait where are we" obito replied with "in my room." Kakashi nodded then he started moving back but then he was pulled back by obito who had bandages in his hand he changed the bandages on kakashi.
To be continued~

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