Chapter 4

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I was laying on his bed (we didn't do anything!), in his HUGE t-shirt. I'm so tiny, it went to my knees. He also offered me some boxers, but I said no thanks. Because I felt fine in his t-shirt and my underwear.

I walked downstairs to get me a drink. It was 8:00 p.m, but I didn't care. Kol was perverted, but that was the only thing I was afraid of. Elijah was cool, and so was Rebekah. Also, his mom, step dad (Mikael), and Finn are dead.

So, anyways, I walked downstairs. I need something to drink. I walked over to the fridge, and opened it. Somebody whistled as I bent down to grab a coke. I was SO embarrassed!!!! I didn't know who it was, so I went straight back up. Didn't even grab a coke.

I turned around and it was Kol. Of all the people! I groaned and went upstairs. Not even getting what I went there for.

I slouched my way up to Klaus' room. I opened the room, to see him asleep. "Great!" I mutter to myself. I laid on the other side of the bed and turned, where my back faced him.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. "Oh! I thought you were asleep!" I said as he snuggled into my neck. He smiled at my comment, and chuckled.

He turned me around. "No, I was waiting for to come back with your... drink?" He asked the last word.

"Oh! Yeah, can you go get me a drink?" I asked him nicely. I didn't wanna go back down there with Kol being down there.

"You were just down there? Why didn't you get a drink?" "Well, there was kinda a problem." I replied.

"What was the problem, love?" He asked while sitting up. "Your brother, Kol. He makes it awkward EVERY TIME I see him!" I replied. He nodded.

"Ok, I'm going to go down there with you! Ok, Klausy?" He hated my nickname for him, but I knew that he would get me back for it. He nodded while we walked out of his room.

We were planing a trap for Kol. I was going to do what I did the first time I came down here, and see if Kol does what he did.

So, I walked up to the fridge and bent to get a coke. And guess what! Kol whistled at me, like he did before. I got up and smiled at him. He looked confused, then smiled himself.

Then, he started to walk to me, while I just stood there. He was about to grab my wrist, when Klaus nocked him out. "Bye bye!" I said as I got 3 cokes and ran up to Klaus' room.

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