{1} The journey of life

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On an ordinary day at home....Y/n just a average teenager who is learning about the struggles of this world is currently living alone in a rented apartment... since the beginning it's been a struggle for Y/n to make a living not having the best grades and having to work part time.

And to think that was just the beginning.....of what was about to come...you had accidentally woken up late and ended up sleeping later than expected for school....  So you rushed to get ready as you trip over your feet to try to get yourself dressed as fast as possible...you slightly tumble down the stairs almost falling on your face until you push the door open and begin to run as fast as you can to the bus stop!

You huff to gain air as you begin to lose your breath as you glance at your surroundings to find your surroundings you can distinctly see the bus stop from where you were...!

You continue onto your pursuit as you approach the bus.....but to your surprise it seems to be moving......... they're leaving without me!

Frantically you begin to yell for the bus to stop as you run after it with all your might..!


You begin to lose your breath...as you stumble upon your feet and fall on your face....you grown in pain as you slowly lift up your head from the floor
As you squint...your eyes.... you frantically rise into your feet brushing your knees slightly shaking, and asking yourself....

" I just had to be late today, huh...,......... "

You awkwardly grab your backpack and begin to make your way to school by foot... and... in no way were you going to waste $30 on a taxi!
End especially not after that performance....you needed to cool your head, today was supposed to be the second last day of school before university... you still didn't necessarily know what you wanted to do in life you were always the type of person to just linger out of conversations like a shadow...you were never good with conversations and you were definitely not a people person....you were just a loner...always being overlooked or pushed aside by others who thought they were better than everyone else...... and to this day it's always  just been the same for you....

Your parents weren't necessarily the best always doing their own thing and leaving you alone because they didn't care to take care of you anymore  you never had time to socialize or to get out of your shell.... You weren't allowed to show emotions always strictly been told what to do at all times constantly being miss treated by everyone around you......that eventually you just stopped caring about others and just kept to yourself....

You only had you and yourself in this world and you were ok with that..... you didn't care if people gave you dirty looks or spread rumours about you being a loser and freak.... because you had no reason to prove you weren't because you already knew deep down.......you were a freak...

From the beginning you were not even sure why people dislike you so much but overtime you began to realize why they called you a freak.... And from that day on you started to believe them to..... you were unfortunately born with a rare disease that affected your face you had a big portion of your face covered with a birthmark it almost resembled a scar..... it was disgusting for people to see... they called you a disease for having it constantly throwing things at you, whenever they had a chance as if you weren't even human.......

¥ Warning ¥⚠️——————————— Do not read if you dislike the mention of certain topics...... and actions towards harm
You had become depressed,... constantly feeling disgusted about yourself about every little thing that eventually you started cutting yourself
...you felt so invisible, almost forgetting that you were alive.... you were touch starved.....not even knowing the difference between the sensation of touching your own skin and the pain of Burning blood dripping down your arm....

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