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Y: The two of you really want me to be yours.
Y: Well I don't know how i feel about it rn i've known you two days but we can definetly cuddle.
F: That works.
A: Yeah
Y: How about we forget about datimh for now and just enjoy the movie.
F: Fine can i rest my head on your chest tho?
Y: Sure.
A: Can i lie my head on your lap?
Y:  Fine.


These two are gonna make me gayer then before they better be useful because i'm not cooking everyday and Adrien better not make pancakes that is not a skill in his family and Felix he may ne smart but what else can he do Adrien is still doing high school how is he gonna get there he would need to be uo by 5 am for that (when i read fanfiction and watch netflix cause i got to bed at 6am). How will this whole thing work how's my dad how's Sophie i never got too apologise and she probably hates me more for the argument with step mum.  I don't know what I'm doing in life anymore. What if Adrien and Felix are just pretending to like me.

My breathing starts to speed up my throat felt like it was closing up my lungs were hurting and my hearbeat quicken I started shaking I got to full on hyperventalting and had my handa pulled to my ears I could feel Adrien and Felix try and comfort me but it wasn't helping.

It isn't fair they have to deal with this what if they think less off me what if they think i'm weak or pathetic I didn't want them to see this side of me not yet.

I felt someone nudging me clearly saying something i moved my hand from my hand slightly.

F: Y/N it's your sister.
S: Y/N are you ok what's going on?
Y: I-I-I'm so-rry fo-r ruin-ing your pa-rty.
S: Y/N I'm not mad at you for that I'm more annoyed at my mother for treating you that way.
Y: R-really.
S: Really so please try and relax breath in and out you should be good at it you do it to survive.
Y: Right.
S: I know you like to stop men from getting air for as long as possible but you can do it.

A/N I based this of my experiemces with anxiety aswell as my sister and one of my friends.

Its a cult (adrien agreste x m! reader x felix )Where stories live. Discover now