Chapter 54: Insane

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Dominic POV

I can't fathom, no matter which way I try to spin it, how in the hell I managed to end up in that couch situation with Lacie.

I have to call Art. I try to snap out of my daze, still haunted by the look in Lacie's eyes. Whatever just happened scared the shit out of me.

I'm so confused that I don't even know how to articulate in my own mental process how or why that happened.

I know she pissed me off but then... the situation morphed into something else altogether.

From Art's point of view, it must look like I'm trying to run over his toes. But it was nothing, right?

It was a complete misunderstanding and a fluke based on just overwhelming emotions from both of us being so stressed out.

I was trying to get Lacie under control. That's right. I mean, I could have called security but... why didn't I?

I've done that before, and I've done it in a heartbeat. I don't care if it's a woman or a man, if someone is being unruly or decides they don't want to leave the building after I have asked them to, I have zero patience for them.

It's not like I've known Lacie a long time. For some reason, the idea of her being hauled off by some brawny security guard just... why am I even thinking this?

I seriously feel so confused right now. I think I'm just in a bad place.

I take a deep sigh and I call Art.

Art: sup?

I can tell just from hearing his voice that he's miffed.

Me: Hey um...

I wince at my own humiliation and my struggle to articulate what I want to say. The worst thing I can do right now is to act weak.

Me: Yah, can you come by my office?

Art: ... ok?

Me: Yeah, there's a lot I need to go over with you and I actually have a bone to pick with you. Several in fact

That's right. I have the high ground because he's been shirking his duties.

Art: Do you? Well it seems as though you were busy picking some other bones so I decided to make good use of my time and try to catch up on all the requests that people put in late.

I seriously want to put my hand through the phone and knock his teeth out. Is he really getting smart with me?

Me: Arturos I'm asking you to come over here so we can discuss things.

Art: I'm actually really busy right now. I'm putting in some orders for a bunch of equipment and then I have to leave ASAP

Me: leave?

Art: family emergency

I don't buy that for one second.

Art: but please feel free to tell me what you need to over the phone.

I want to fucking kill him. I take a deep breath.

Me: it can wait I guess since what you've got going on is clearly more important.

Art: ... okay and... I'm glad Lacie is ok.

Me: By the way... Before you hang up, I want you to strongly consider whether or not you want to maintain your position here at the company. I was totally blindsided by the news of Dapper Dank and I don't want to believe that you were not on top of this.

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