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────   judge : yessiekookie16   ────


COVER : 2/5

The cover didn't catch my attention at all as well with the font being small. I wish that the author tried a bit harder with the cover since having a good cover is what brings attention to your book.

TITLE : 5/5

The title went perfectly with the book, just as Jungkook asked her to kiss him again, that's when the title clicked well in the story. Honestly, the title sounds simple and quite cliche but I must say, I'm all about the story connecting with the title and the author nailed it perfectly!

BLURB : 5/5

The blurb caught my attention, honestly I wasn't expecting the reference of a 'male Rapunzel and a Female Savior, never heard that phrase before, but when I read that line, I was quite interested to see where this story goes.


On point with the first line, I love how the author was able to make not just the character understand but also the readers. 'Life is miserable, not for people who are born with golden spoons but for those who work their asses off just to have a one-time meal.!' That single line can impact many of us who are dealing with the same situation.


There were no problems with the grammar, the punctuations were in their proper spots as well as with the words.


I must say, the style isn't quite my favorite, but I can't argue with how their style seems to be a bit unique in some way for this type of story.

PLOT : 10/15

Here we are, in my favorite part of judging, telling my perspective of this story. I should say I loved how the story was going, wish there were more.....shocking twists in the story though. I'm not going to lie, I do love it when the main characters get a happily ever after, but for some part of the story, I almost lost the excitement I had at the beginning of the story.

PACE : 6/10

The story was going well but in some way, the author looked like they were rushing the ending, I wasn't a huge fan of how the story ended, it felt like everything was rushed and didn't have much excitement so I wish the author could've given the main characters a better ending.

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