XV - A Sad, Very Sad Thing...

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                               Segregatio I

Jezabelle was not allowed to leave under any circumstances. She was sitting in Edward's apartment, on the couch. Robb Calcutta's body was cleaned up, but it was too late. It had sat in the sun for half a day, until Edward bagged him up and took him away. She couldn't eat, even if she wanted to. She was not supposed to drink, unless Edward told her to.

She felt like she had been incarcerated, considering the means she had to live with. What did happen to my sweetest, chivalrous, Edward? He is insane now, I don't know what's to become of him... I would do him a favor, kill him while he slept, but he doesn't sleep. He sometimes is well, when he talks to me. Other times, he rambles to himself. I will give him one week, to straighten up. To come back to himself, if not? I will kill him. He don't know, but Robb gave me his gun for protection, I've been hiding it. Anytime he goes on one of his rants, he destroys things. I have ran out of places to put it... I have torn loose a piece of the floor, I put it under there.

Edward came out and interrupted Jezabelle's argument with her conscious. "It's a sad, very sad thing... to see me like this, isn't it?" Maybe he's come off of it, maybe.

Edward walked calmly to her with his hands behind his back. "Please, dear. Forgive me, I have been a very bad host these past days" Edward said, hands positioned behind his back. Jezabelle's heart almost stopped when she heard the all to familiar click, the click of a gun's hammer being pulled back. It wasn't just any gun, it was her gun. The one that belonged to the late Robb Calcutta.

"I see by your face... your scared. I can smell it, I could taste it... fright, that is. Please, tell me. Do I scare you?" She thought she'd make it a quick interval between waiting and speaking, for she feared that he might kill her, or if there was such  thing, worse. Nothing surprised her though, with Edward's declining state of mind.

"Yes... Very much" she said. Almost instantaneously, he replied "Why? Why do I scare you so much?" She swallowed hard, and was sweating. Should I tell him the truth? Or the truth pertaining to just a minute ago, before he found my gun. She argued with her conscious. "It is because you beat me, harshly. I ask you now, Edward, what have I done? What have I done, that I deserve it? What have I done that I haven't apologized for?"

Edward's anger was growing with her sass. "How about collaborating with Damien, my dear boy Quentin, and David? How about nearly sending me to my death? If I would've had to pull myself up, you wouldn't be here now... now, now... now? Now! NOOOW!" He screamed at her.

He pulled the gun from behind his back and shot the wall, just above her head, several times. She almost jumped, until she realized where the bullet was going. This was indicated by one full metal jacket grazing the top of her skull. She fell, by instinct, by fear, call it what you will. "How about this?!" He yelled as he shook the gun in front of her face. He threw it at her, and she silently thanked whatever Deity she was in allegiance with, that the gun had no bullets left.

He grabbed a knife from the cutting block, kept in the small kitchenette, and brutally stabbed his hand repetitively. She looked in fear, as he was cutting the tendons in his hand. Once the eviscerated hand didn't come off, he slapped the bloody pulp of it onto the counter. He lifted his knee up to hold it, and viciously yanked his arm up, down, and side to side and pleasured at the sounds of bones snapping and grinding, until the hand broke off.

His eyes were of a dark red, and his bruised wrist was trembling as he held it in front if him. He was smiling broadly, with his teeth gritted. After a minute of this, he started to scream excitedly.

She was laying in the fetal position on the floor, below the couch. Her face could be compared to that of a Ghost's. She was trembling and rocking, hoping that Edward might bleed to death. Alas, even that was too simple for her. Her hopes were shattered by the sound of sizzling, and the horrid smell of burnt flesh. She was deathly afraid to move, but she had too. She peeked from the couch and seen Edward, in the kitchenette. His bloody stump was on the stove, while he was cooking it.

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