chapter 9/ bedtime

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Ryan walked up the stairs. He passed Ms. Temple in the process. She said, "I was just coming down to tell you all the girls were diapered, and you could go up without fear of walking in on them."

Ryan responded, "I started the dishwasher for you. I need you to do me a favor. Hailey said that she didn't really need presents, but I could tell she kind of wants them. Can you order three teady-bears, so that Megan, Rachel, and I can claim them as our birthday gifts to her?"

Ms. Temple replied, "Yes, I can. Hey, did you tell all your little friends that your girlfriend wore a diaper on the bus ride up here?"

Ryan answered, "Actually she revealed that information herself. All I said was that I have been dating her for seven years. I also may have let it slip that I was recruiting for a long-term goal of curing my sister of cancer. No, I didn't tell any of them which one it is that will get cancer, but a few of them have all of the information they need to figure it out. I asked them not to, but I can't guarantee that will stop them." He turned to walk up the stairs. "Do you want to know which girl it is that gets cancer?"

Ms. Temple replied, "It doesn't matter to me which girl it is. I love all of you as my own. And you keep telling me the same thing. You intend to cure it. I think you intend to use most of the girls upstairs to do it."

Ryan smiled and said, "Goodnight Ms. Temple." He walked up the stairs and walked into the playroom.

The girls were all sitting on their sleeping bags with Riley sitting in the middle of the circle. Hailey was holding up her right hand. She said, "I will hold in good standing all oaths to do the same."

Riley repeated, "I will hold in good standing all oaths to do the same."

Hailey said, "I will be bound by this oath until death releases me."

Riley repeated, "I will be bound by this oath until death release me."

Hailey put her hand down. She said, "There you're in. You are officially a member of the sisterhood of padded bottoms. It bites that you live six hours away and won't be able to hang out every weekend." She turned to Ryan, "Are you ready to tell us how you met her?"

Ryan answered, "Ms. Temple wants us to go to bed now. We will tell the story over breakfast." He turned towards Riley, "You didn't bring a sleeping bag with you, so do you just want to share with one of us? Or do I go get Rebecca's out of the hall closet for you to use?"

Riley responded, "I did not know I needed one. We have never used them before. We just blow up the air mattress and all four of us pile onto that. Back up. Did you just ask if I wanted to share a sleeping bag with any one of the people in this room?"

Ryan replied, "Yes. But I know how you get about touching. So, I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask."

Riley said, "Are you trying to ask me to cuddle with you, without saying those words?"

Ryan answered, "Only if you are okay with it."

Riley replied, "If we are going to get married one day, then I need to get used to cuddling with you eventually." She crawled over to the one sleeping bag that was unoccupied. She patted the floor next to her. "Don't make me beg. It would be demining to both of us."

Ryan walked over to where Riley was lying and laid down beside her. Ryan very carefully draped his arm over her. "Let me know when it becomes uncomfortable for you." He raised himself up so he could look at Amy. He said, "So I think I just thought of way to get through school Monday. But it would require a sacrifice from you. If you agree to this, we tell everybody at school that those of us that stayed here Friday and Saturday wore a diaper as a sign of support for you. We tell everyone at school that you need to wear diapers full time. We tell them that I found out. And then I out myself to them."

Rachel asked, "Are you sure you want to do that? Once you tell everybody that, there is no going back. Megan and I are fine with it because we have known you all your life. But think about how the kids at school treat you now. Do you think it will get better once they know the truth?"

Ryan answered, "They know the truth, and they seem okay with it."

Megan replied, "I think a few of them are still processing the news."

Katie asked, "Am I the only person that is not following this conversation?"

Mary said, "I don't think I am."

Hailey sat up and said, "Ryan wants to tell everyone at school that he is a psychic. Megan and Rachel are not convinced that is a good idea. Now if you're all caught up, I suggest we all get some sleep like were told to do."

Ryan said, "Amy, I need an answer."

Amy answered, "I will let you know before we walk into school Monday. I need to think on this."

Ryan laid down.

Cindy said, "Hey Ryan just so you know, the vote to let Riley join the sisterhood was unanimous."

Ryan whispered, "Riley, I hate to tell you this, but you need to start thinking about who your maid-of-honor will be. You now have nine candidates for the position."

Riley replied, "I will think about it." They girls fell asleep.


Ryan woke up in the middle of the night to find Riley struggling to get out of his grasp. He moved his arm a little to loosen his grasp. He said, "Riley, I am awake. If you are uncomfortable tell me and we can change the position we are in."

Riley replied, "I have to use the bathroom."

Ryan said, "You are wearing a diaper. You might want to consider using it."

Riley asked, "You want me to poop my diaper while my butt is pressed against your stomach?"

Ryan raised his arm completely. Riley stood up and ran out of the room.

Cindy said, "Is she objecting to using the diaper?"

Ryan answered, "She objected to using it in the position she was in. I am surprised you voted to let her join the sisterhood."

Cindy replied, "Well, I can't blame her for you existing now can I. Nor can I blame you for telling me about her. It's my fault for not believing you."

Ryan asked, "Wait, you didn't believe me when I told you I had a girlfriend?"

Cindy answered, "A girl that lives six hours away, that you only see once a month, kind of sounds made-up. Heck, I have met the girl, and it still sounds made-up. What was I supposed to think. That she does exist or that you were making her up so that you don't have to go out with me?"

Ryan said, "You know there are other options, right?"

Cindy replied, "If this conversation continues, you run this risk of outing me in front of everyone."

Ryan responded, "Everyone else is asleep. And there is another option. This afternoon one of us said what they were. You could have taken that opportunity to reveal yourself."

Cindy said, "I think Megan tried to ask me out once. I blocked the whole conversation by asking about you."

Riley walked back into the room. She laid down next to Ryan. She asked, "What you two talking about?"

Ryan answered, "It's a private matter. And we will finish this in the morning." The three kids fell asleep.

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