~April Fools' Day~

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''Ugh...Not again...'' you muttered as you took a look at the calendar. It was 30th of March, and April Fools' Day was getting closer. 1st of April is one of the days your classmates actually notice you and might even talk to you - usually you were just ignored. April Fools' Day might be all fun to everyone else, but you were always the target. Every single year. Ever since middle school.

You didn't know why you were suddenly left out, but you had gotten used to being by yourself. If you have no friends, there will be no drama, and that'll be a lot easier for everyone. Being alone has also helped your studies. Usually you would ignore everyone as well, but that wouldn't be possible during the day of nightmares that was approaching. You were going to be the target anyway, so you decided to prepare your mind for being the center of attention for once.

It was the last day of March. As you walked in the school halls, you took quick glances at everyone you saw from the corners of your eyes since you tended to keep your face towards the floor. If you were even a bit stronger and braver you would have already hit someone, but you decided to keep quiet so you wouldn't get in trouble. You were walking towards the next class which would be math. You weren't particularly interested in it but you didn't suck at it either, so it was just another way to spend time at school.

''Hey teacher, I don't get this!'' someone shouted with a laugh and the teacher sighed and walked to the person to teach him. He and his friends just snickered at each other when the teacher bent down to look at his notebook. They were pointing at her from every possible angle, and the teacher didn't even notice. It was already the third time during the class, and you were getting annoyed. ''How stupid can boys be?'' you thought. But hey, what could you do? You sighed quietly and tried to concentrate. One of the popular girls near you probably heard it and started to make fun of you.

''_______ is already getting annoyed'', someone said.

''She shouldn't be yet, the fun is going to begin tomorrow! She's too early this year!''

The rest of the day went by like days always did - you did your best with studies. When the last class finally ended, you left as quickly as you could so that you didn't have to see all the people who were getting along well. That was your everyday life. But not for long.

~a little time skip~

''Here it comes...'' you mumbled when you got to school. You noticed that everyone was already staring at you and smirking. When you went to your first class, someone came to speak to you.

''Hey _____, I know this day is going to be tough, but keep strong, okay?'' she said happily and patted your back.

''Mmh...'' your answer didn't actually mean anything, but it was enough to make her understand that you had heard her. As you walked into the classroom and to your seat, someone suddenly kicked your leg. You winced a bit, and took a look at the kicker. Then someone else kicked you from another direction. You sighed and sat down.

''This is going to be a long day...''

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