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Pain betrayal hate sorrow regret.  That was what was going inside, Daenerys' mind body and soul. She felt herself sinking.  How could he after everything she lost . Everything she sacrificed for him.  Daenerys watched for the last time the man she thought would be her home. How could she have mistook a wolf for a dragon. The knife in her heart. It hurts it hurts her mind kept repeating. Where did it all begin to go wrong?. Was it when my brother went mad? Was it when I trusted that witch and she curse me? Or when I should have trusted myself, but instead, I trust the imp and that spider?. Or was it when I trusted him. Because I thought for once someone saw me for me. But whom am I kidding a dragon has no home. Oh, my poor son drogon . There is no one beside him. Please, someone help my son, anyone.

" Don't cry, my daughter. I have heard your pleas and cries. A very gentle command voice told her.

" Who are you?" Daenerys mind asked the voice. She suddenly felt very warm.

The voice laughed. " it ok, child, you may open your eyes.

Daenerys gently opened her eyes in front of her, which was the  most beautiful, terrified creature she had ever seen . They were huge.

 They were huge

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" Who.. how... I thought I had died. Where am I? Daenerys frantically asked. She started looking for her children.

She suddenly felt her soul settle.

" To answer your questions, I am Skykros Goddess of beginning, ending, transition, and doorway. They finished introducing themselves.

Daenerys education may have been lacking. But she knew her God's.

" Why would one of the valerian gods want with her?" she thought .

" to apologize and to give you a second chance. They said to her.

" we apologize in leaving you in a world with no family or support.

" we thought the half breed was our champion, but we were wrong. To many things went wrong.

" Well, good for you, but snice, I am already dead. I would like to rest in peace.

" Would you not like to go back and fix things ?" The goddess asked

" What will be the point I have no home all my family are dead our dragons gone . The one who I thought understood me betrayed me. The people who said they

were on my side, lied . And then the ones that actually loved me, I abandoned them, and they died. So please tell
me why should I go back to a world with nothing for me?

Daenerys rages.

The goddess just laughed , " My dearest child, you misunderstood me. I am not sending you where you died, but rather than the beginning of your life in essos before you were sold.

" Even if I wanted to, I still have no one except my insane brother. Daenerys said

" and who said we are sending you alone.

" What?"

" Turn around, Daenerys turned to see her children flying on the most beautiful field she has ever seen.

" drogon, rhaegal , viserion she called out to her children.

Whom heard their mother and flew toward her.

"Mama, she heard them in her head.

She started petting them.

" How? She asked, grateful that her children were with her but confused.

"  we are gods' child, and we have another surprise for you turn around. ," the goddess answered

Daenerys saw a man with white hair and well built.

The man walked towards Daenerys. " when they told me you were the last of me and watching you burn does cunt's that betrayal you, well I have never been prouder and happier in my life.

The man seems familiar somehow, but she couldn't place him.

Answering the question in daenerys mind, " he is Daemon Targaryen .

Shocked Daenerys turn to really look at him. " Wait, as in the Rouge pince? As in my great something grandfather.

Daemon chuckled. " You have a way with words, little dragon.

" But why would you send him back with me? A confuse Daenerys asked.

" Because both of you were burned by the family that were supposed to love you. You both are true dragons, but you were told you have to temper fire by idiot around you. The goddess explained to them.

"If we accept your bargain, what will have to do? Daenerys asked cautiously

" Nothing, it will be all up to you if you want to burn the world rebuild old valyria or go back to westeros it will be up to you.

" I don't want to go back to westeros that accursed land has taken more from us. As far as I am concerned, it can sink to the bottom of the ocean.  Let rebuild old valyria.  Let the Targaryen banner fly, " Daenerys answered with fire burning in her veins and eyes.

" Good. I have some gifts for you that will aid you in your journey, and I will be watching. 

" Daemon, you will wake in the fire temple instructions have been given to them. And Daenerys, you will enter your younger self before you were sold of. Are you ready? They asked them

Daenerys woke up with a loud gasp as she was panicking and went to touch her chest. The wound has healed, but the scar is still there.

" Your grace, are you ok? One of the servants' girl asked.

" I am fine. You may leave. She commanded her.

Daenerys walked to the balcony and placed her hand on the cold stone. She started laughing hysterically.

" This time, it will be different," she coldly makes a vow.

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