Fate wry smile.

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Raising children was certainly no walk in the park—more like a stroll through a minefield!

The Empress Daenerys, juggling the responsibilities of ruling a vast empire and motherhood, found herself caring for her younger twin, Valaena. As she rocked the little one to sleep, singing a sweet Valyrian lullaby, her eldest child remained enthralled by the dragons egg, the emblematic creatures of their family's legacy.

The tranquility of the moment was shattered by the abrupt entrance of a handmaiden, who frantically informed Daenerys that her anticipated guest had arrived and desired an audience. Daenerys, her curiosity piqued, carefully placed Valaena in her crib before following the handmaiden to greet the mysterious visitors.

The Empress Daenerys, her maternal instincts heightened, began issuing commands to the head of her knights. "I want your knights to guard this room with their lives, do you understand me?" she demanded, her voice firm and unwavering. The handmaidens in the room quickly responded, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Unbeknownst to Daenerys, her primary consort, Daemon, had taken additional precautions. He had already positioned secret assassins to observe the knights and handmaidens, ready to strike if anyone so much as looked at the royal twins with ill intent.

Hours before Daenerys met the guests

Hours before the handmaidens came and told The Empress about her guests, on the opened sea a massive ship with a flat with a sliver sea horse. There were two men and a little boy on the ship. A man with fair hair wearing sea green and white gold brooch. The ship was bound to essos. The man was watching the opening seas as he was thinking
A handsome, lean man with silver-gold hair and grey-green eyes, sporting a cleft chin and a beard, addressed the fair-haired man with a question. "Do you think she will welcome us into her court?"

The fair-haired man pondered for a moment before replying, "I don't know, Aurane. But for now, all we can do is place our bet and make do with the hand that is dealt to us."

A little boy tugged at Lord Monford's breeches, drawing his attention away from the conversation. Monford looked down at the child and smiled. "Yes, son?" he inquired.

The boy, his eyes filled with wonder, asked, "Are there really dragons where we are going?"

Lord Monford was about to answer when a deafening sound resonated through the air. Everyone on board the ship turned their heads, their gazes fixated on the source of the noise. Their eyes widened in disbelief as a vast swarm of dragons, varying in shape, size, and color, filled the sky.

"Monford... dragons," Aurane murmured, his voice tinged with awe.

Lord Monford held his son, Monterys, close as he burst into laughter, unable to contain his excitement. "Dragons have indeed returned to the world!" he exclaimed, his eyes reflecting the dancing flames that illuminated the skies.

As the ship continued its journey towards Essos, the crew and passengers alike remained captivated by the majestic sight before them. Whispers of anticipation filled the air as they pondered the implications of these magnificent creatures' return.

Aurane, still mesmerized by the spectacle, turned to Lord Monford. "Do you think the Empress will be open to an alliance now that she has such power at her command?"

Lord Monford's expression grew solemn as he considered the question. "Only time will tell, Aurane. We must tread carefully in this new world and ensure we do not become consumed by the fire these dragons bring."

Aurane nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging Lord Monford's words. The ship sailed on, the rhythmic sounds of the waves providing a soothing backdrop for their conversation.

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