Back from the dead

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Clouds covered the sky with the promise of rain. The soothing smell filled my senses, calming my growing nerves as I trudged up the steps to what used to be my house. I took a deep breath in as I raised my fist, but I didn't dare tap the door. What if they hated me? I turned around and walked back to my motorbike. Another time, maybe.

A drop of rain fell from the sky. Then another. And another. And soon enough rain fell in a continuous rhythm. My fists clenched the handles of my bike as tears welled in my eyes. Nine years had passed since I last had contact with my brother and dad. I left the day after mom's funeral. a part of me died the day she was sent off.

The road was wet and slippery, I hadn't slept in days. Two possibilities to crash, and yet I found myself pulling up to my new house without a scratch. I shook my hair out as I pulled my helmet off my head. How was I going to avoid him when I worked at his school?

Three hours had passed of me sitting on my couch, staring at the powerless television. The screen was black and motionless, my thoughts raced through my head at the speed of light. Two more hours later and the rain stopped. Five more hours and it was long since a new day. Four hours and I was walking through the door of Beacon hills high school.

My hair was held up loosely in a messy bun and my glasses slipped down my nose, causing me to push them back up. I was sweating, nervous. My heart beat rapidly, my eyes wide and cautious.

"Stilinski!" I turned around, expecting the voice to be aimed at me. Instead, I found the lacrosse coach lecturing my brother. Panic arose in me as I turned back around and speed walked to my designated class.

The bell rang through the air, cutting me from my thoughts. Soon enough students came bursting into the room, some with familiar faces, some without. Just as I was about to begin, my brother and his childhood best friend walked in. Stiles stopped all movement and Scott's mouth hung open.

"Lav?" Stiles' face turned to that of joy as he ran up and hugged me. I stumbled backwards at his force before wrapping my arms around him. He let go with a grin before I whispered for him to go sit down. I cleared my throat as I turned my attention to the class.

"My name is Lavender Stilinski, but you can call me Lav or Lavi. I don't like being called by my surname so I won't push it, but if you want to, go for it. I will be substituting your English teacher for the next few weeks while she is on family leave." I gave a soft smile as I turned to the board behind me and wrote the name of the topic up at the top.

"As you probably know, this semester we will be learning about Shakespeare, so if you could please grab your books out, that would be great." The first class of the day went by like a breeze as did the rest of the day, and before I knew it I was sitting in bed creating a lesson plan.

The night air was crisp as it blew onto my skin from my open balcony doors. Leaves blew around the ground mindlessly, the wind carrying them away in an almost silent serenity. I sighed with a smile as I put my laptop to the side and walked onto the balcony. I closed my eyes as I placed my hands on the metal bar that separated me from the edge of the platform.

The wind picked up and the air got colder, although I didn't leave my position. My blonde hair, much like my mothers, flew in waves behind me as I leaned over the fence, catching a strong gust of air. My eyes didn't open as I took a deep breath, soaking in the smell of the night.

A twig snapped and the wind howled harder, slamming the doors shut. A creepy sensation washed over me, almost like I was being watched. I looked around but didn't find anyone. Officially spooked, I re-entered my home, locking the doors behind me. A shiver ran up my spine but I shook it off and got back to the lesson plan.


I was sitting at the corner table of one of the many cafes with stiles sitting in front of me. We had a lot to catch up on.

"I thought you were dead. I was told you were. What happened?"

"I discovered something and freaked out. I had to go figure it out and I ended up finding my passion and worked towards this career." I smiled softly at my brother's joyful face.

"Back from the dead are we?" I broke out into a laugh as did he. The rest of the afternoon was spent like that before we departed with the promise of telling my father about my return later.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝒪𝒻 ℬℯ𝒶𝒸ℴ𝓃 ℋ𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓈Where stories live. Discover now