Werewolves And Witches Don't Mix

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The moon was high in the sky, shining through my open windows as a cup of tea floated through the air, my mist-like magic surrounding it. I scoured the twenty foot shelves of my home library, looking for my book of shadows. There was a killing the other night, the girl was cut in half. They were on the search for her second half.

I found the book and quickly pulled it from the eighth self, the dark green magic encompassing it. I flipped through the pages as I sat down, finding what I was looking for, Werewolves. I read through the information about them, how to spot them, behavioural habits, so on and so forth. With this knowledge, I rushed out of my house and towards the forest quickly, my father was looking for a girl who had been slain by a werewolf.

The air of the forest was moist and silent. Green magic covered my hands in a defensive manor as I wandered between the trees. A twig snapped and familiar voices followed. I quickly dissipated my magic before walking up behind the two boys silently. I placed a finger on my brothers shoulder with a quiet 'shh'. The boy screamed and jumped into his best friends arms.

"Dude, chill. What are you two doing out in the woods this late? You could get hurt! There are dangerous things around here, things you would never understand! Got it. Go home." I whisper shouted to the boys as I crossed my arms.

"It was stiles' idea."

"You think I don't know that? Only my brother could think to do something so stupid." I rolled my eyes and huffed before walking off in the direction the boys had been heading.

"Why are you in the forest this late?" My eyes glowed green at the sense of a supernatural being. It was nearby. I looked around quickly, searching for the creature. Stiles and Scott continued looking around for the body, having completely ignored what I told them. That wasn't my priority in that second though.

Two red eyes peaked through the trees. They moved through the trees, sizing up its prey. My eyes glowed as my magic covered my hands in warning. The werewolf didn't care.

A scream rang out as Scott fell down a small hill. I turned away from the werewolf for a second, and when I turned back it was gone. Stiles and Scott had found the body. It was Laura Hale. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands, her brother would be devastated.

Another scream rang out, and the two red eyes flashed by. It was attacking. I rushed forward, but it was too late. The boys had run off. Worry overtook me as my breathing became frantic, what if it got my brother? I cant loose him now, I only just got him back.

I took five deep breaths and calmed myself before running after the creature. I reached Scott just as the alpha sunk its teeth into him. Rage took over as I ran up and pushed him away, my eyes and hands glowing. The alpha backed away, but not in fear, in accomplishment. Scott would be a werewolf. The alpha ran off as I turned to Scott, who hadn't seen a thing as he was unconscious.

When he woke, I was gone, chasing after the alpha. I sprinted as fast as I could through the thicket of trees until I reached a clearing. In the centre of the clearing was the Hale house. I calmly walked up to the door, knocking three times. Derek was there, opening the door within a second.

"There's an alpha. It attacked my brother and his friend. Your sister," My voice broke. "Her bottom half was found. My brother found her top half. I'm so sorry Derek, I know how much she meant to you." Derek was silent as he looked at me, his eyes welled with tears for a second before disappearing. I pulled him into a hug, his arms wrapping around me instantly.

We were close as kids, and when I discovered I was a witch, I went straight to him and his family. I lived with them until they died. I cried for Derek because I knew he wouldn't do it himself. I held him for a while until he pulled back. He wiped my tears and I noticed the ones that had fallen down his cheeks. I was wrong. He cried.

"Take me to her." Although it was a demand, it seemed like more of a plead. I nodded and grabbed his hand, squeezing it before walking off. He trailed behind me and before long we had reached his sister. I gently rubbed his arm in comfort, then he leant down and picked her up. He walked away with her in his arms. I was about to follow until I saw Scott's inhaler on the ground. I picked it up swiftly and followed Derek back to his house.

It didn't take long to bury her with a spiral. I stood next to Derek, his hand on my lower back.

"So, your back in town." I nodded.

"I would have visited sooner, I was just busy with moving in and work and didn't have the time." Derek stood still for a moment before turning to me, tears in his eyes.

"Please don't leave again?" Seeing Derek this weak was something new entirely. He had never shown as much emotion before. I nodded with a soft smile.

"I'm not leaving you again, Derek. Your stuck with me now." I smiled again and he pulled me close to him, his smell filling my nose.

"No offence, Derek, but man do I hate werewolves." He laughed before putting his head in my neck.

"Witches and werewolves don't mix then?" I laughed.

"Some werewolves, you're alright though. For now." He pulled me closer before letting go. I smiled at him before turning back to Laura's grave.

"I need some sleep before work tomorrow. I'll stop by in the afternoon?" 

He nodded.


𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝒪𝒻 ℬℯ𝒶𝒸ℴ𝓃 ℋ𝒾𝓁𝓁𝓈Where stories live. Discover now