Werewolf Academy {1}

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Wow. That's all I can say. This place is amazing. I've always dreamed of actually being here, I have known ever since I was young that I was a Werewolf and I couldn't wait to finally go to school here at Werewolf Academy. Everyone at my school knows exactly where I am. Everyone in Great Britain knows about Werewolves, they just don't tell anyone else. Especially Americans, you can't trust them with anything. Anyways as I was saying, I can't believe that I'm finally here. My first day of my new life. This is going to be great.

The lady at the desk was looking through my files, she was awful nosy. I sat there in the cushy chair reading a book I got before I left. Harry Putter and the philosopher's rock. It was really good so far, It's about a Wizard. They exist too, and like I said before only British people know about them.

The lady at the desk dropped her coffee on the floor. It fell with a thud and it scared the crap out of me. I got up to help her clean it up. She looked old so I tried to do most of the cleaning myself. I always remembered to dab instead of rub, it was one of the many things my Mum taught me. When I was done I got up and looked her in the eyes, she was looking at me too. She cleared her throat getting ready to speak but she didn't. I walked back to my seat and began reading again.

About 10 minutes past and I was getting into a really intense moment in my book when she finally spoke up. It almost scared me. She was so very quite before.

"You must be Stella." She said it so softy I almost didn't hear her. She had short grey hair and wire rimmed glasses. She was really short and petit. 

"Yes, I am." I replied quickly. I flashed her a smile, might as well make friends right? I don't want people to think of me as rude or annoying. I've always had the nice, kind girl reputation.

"I have all the things you will need right here." She motioned to a box filled with stuff. "This will almost serve as your survival kit here at Werewolf Academy." She set the box up on the counter and she went through it with me. There was a lot of stuff in there, many useful stuff too. It came with a uniform that doesn't rip when you change from a human into a werewolf, which trust me, happens often. Then there was other stuff like medicine, first aid kit and other things. The she gave me my schedule of classes, they seemed alright to me.

Werewolves get a lot of normal classes but then we also get the special classes. The special classes are to help you master your powers and learn more about how your body is changing forms. We don't become werewolves full time until we are 18. So until then we have to stay cooped up in this place until we have our bodies under control.

I went back to my chair and grabbed all my stuff. She walked me to my dorm that I was going to be sharing and unlocked the door. There was no one in there so I set my stuff down on one of the two empty beds. My roommate was coming today too. I turned around and saw she was still there.

"Are you alright for now?" She was so sweet and old. She smiled and me and I smiled back.

"No I should be good, thanks anyways."

"Alrighty, but if you need anything just let me know. My name is Wanda. I work in the guidance department so just drop by if you need anything." She smiled and then walked out of the room leaving me to unpack by myself.

I opened up my suitcases one by one and putting stuff in my closet. The room was so big, There would be no need to have sharing issues. I just hope I don't get a brat as a roommate. God, I can't even imagine what a hell my life would be with someone like that living with me.

I began putting more of my clothes away, I hope i didn't overpack with stuff. I had three suitcases full of my stuff, I'm sure that will be plenty. I've already unpacked one suitcase and my closet is already half full, great. I started unpacking the second one, making my closet full to the brim with clothes, and I still had one suitcase left. I looked around the room and noticed I had a trunk at the foot of my bed, perfect. I'll put the rest of my stuff in here and get rid of some stuff later tonight.

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