Werewolf Academy {4}

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The next few weeks at Werewolf Academy went great, I had finally been accepted into a clan. I flaunted off my Dark Wound crest with pride. Not many other first years had chosen a clan yet, me and Marisa were ahead of the group. I felt evil. It was great. We sat at the Dark Wound table in the dinning hall, eating our dinner. A few of the fourth year students were talking to us about how glad they were to have us in their clan. I finally felt accepted. 

"Stella, we have a good feeling about you," A third year, Damien said, "You have amazing powers, and that's what we need here in Dark Wound. You could be the next Prefect." A Prefect was the leader of the clan. Did they really think it could eventually be me?

With new confidence, I said, "Well, I'm honored," I sat up straighter. "My Mums going to be so proud of me."

"You should feel proud Stella, you have earned it." Marisa cooed.

At the head of the table, the Prefect, Allison Myran stood up. "May I have your attention please," The whole table turned to face her, it must be big news. "We will be having a gathering tonight at midnight to celebrate our two newest members, Marisa Martin and Stella Boyer, both of incredible powers." Everyone clapped and we both sat there smiling, this was what I was meant to do, be a part of Dark Wound. Allison sat down in her seat and returned to her plate of food.

The rest of the clan was chatting among themselves, how could people call us evil? Everyone seemed so nice and welcoming.

"Eat up girls, you want to get stronger right?" Allison said to Marisa and I. We agreed with her and kept eating. I had managed to eat my entire plate of food, I was stuffed. But in a good way.

The table was dismissed and we were to go back to our dorms until the gathering. We had 3 hours to get ready. I was panicking, what would I wear? Should I wear my uniform or is that too tacky? Or should I wear one of my dresses? I was so confused.

I decided to go casual but classy. I wore dark wash jeans, a white cami and a sand coloured cardigan. Marisa emerged from her closet wearing a similar outfit to mine. 

She smirked and said, "Great minds think alike." She giggled and finished up her makeup. I was in the middle of curling my hair when there was a knock at the door. Who is still awake at this hour?

Marisa shot up and looked out the peep hole. "It's Headmaster Windsur!" She shouted in shock. 

What could he want? "Just, uh, open the door." I stammered.

She opened the door and he walked into the middle of the room, facing the both of us. "Ladies, word has got out that you two are in Dark Wound. Is that correct?"

"Y-yes it's true," Marisa stuttered. She looked nervous, like we weren't allowed to be in Dark Wound.

Headmaster Windsur looked shocked. "Well it's good to hear you've settled in a clan, I just thought it would be with Olympia." He seemed disappointed.

"Headmaster Windsur, Dark Wound chose us, we didn't choose it ourselves." I managed to say.

Marisa's head shot up, "Yeah and we actually like it. We have a gathering later to celebrate our alliance with the clan." She seemed more confidante now, I was so proud.

"Well alright, have fun tonight." Headmaster Winsur said before he left, closing the door behind him.

Did we just stand up to Headmaster Windsur? The man we were always afraid of? This felt awesome, Dark Wound was really the right choice for us. Marisa and I finished getting ready and headed off for the gathering. We weren't nervous anymore, almost excited.

There were a few members there already once we arrived. Most of them I did not recognize. But one of them I did, Steven. He ran up to me and gave me a huge bear hug. How cute was he?

"Hey babe, I didn't know you were in Dark Wound!" Steven said. Letting me out of his intense hug.

I giggled. "I just joined a few nights ago, but I didn't know you were in it either."

"It chose me the second day of school." He smirked, revealing an extremely white smile.

"That early?" I asked, 2 weeks of school had already gone by and only 10 first years have found their clans. But before he could answer Allison called for the clans attention.

"Dark Wound, you may now change forms." She beckoned. Suddenly, everyone was ripping out of their clothes. Even Marisa, why was everyone naked? This didn't make sense. "Stella? You're clothes?" Oh God, I thought as I took of my clothes too. I sure hope this wasn't some sort of prank. Allison then did something I've never seen before. She changed into a Werewolf. Everyone began to follow her lead, Marisa leaned down and whispered to me.

"Just say, 'Dark Wound become Werewolf' in you head three time and you will change, it's so easy." She said as she soon too changed into a Werewolf. I said it too in my head three times, Dark Wound become Werewolf, Dark Wound become Werewolf, Dark Wound become Werewolf. 

Then it happened, I was a Werewolf. I was running free with the pack. I was invincible. So this was what a gathering was? It was more like a, let's parade around the school in our Werewolf form. Were we even allowed to be in Werewolf form? Heck I didn't care! No one else seemed to care either.

After what seemed like forever, we were back to our clothes and back to our human form. It felt like an adrenaline rush just went through me. I looked around for Steven, but he was gone. Most of the clan had left by now. Marisa was waiting for me to get changed. This was her second time being in Werewolf form, the first time when she left the dorm at midnight. We walked back to our room together.

"Can you believe that! We were Werewolves!" I was still in shock.

Marisa let out a little laugh. "Yeah, I can't believe it either."

I looked over at the clock. It was 2:30 A.M. We should probably be getting to bed. I got dressed in my nightgown and climbed into bed. I closed my eye and fell asleep soon. The dream I had that night was unforgetable.

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