the 27 Club

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                                                                         i tried to take my life at 27

                                                                                 i was reborn at 28

i'm still me.

but i am also, completely changed.

i've changed. i've been given the power to do so.

i'm free. i've been set free.

and no matter how much, each step i walk away hurts

i will never go back to who i have left behind.

where i lay peacefully and sleep,

she would obsess and cry and lie awake always wondering why

when i am quiet,

she would ramble and vent and go on and on and


and i am content

but she was ravenous and pained

                                                                        we are both wild

                                                                        we are both happy

                                                                          we are both sad

we sit together in my car, as we relisten to favourite songs since childhood and understand them so clearly now

                                                                              we both exist.

but she is much, much further away

like she is out in the water waving to me and i am standing on the shore

her voice is too faint to hear

her tears are too far to see

and who i am now, she always existed to, but she used to be much, much


and now it's hard to imagine her as anything less than 


like a tiny diamond

strong and sure

and sparkling, never to be hidden away again

                                                        yes, i tried to take my life at 27

                                                                    not to join a club.

and you may think that i was foolish and i would have to agree with you

but if i had never tried

i would never know

who i really have been all this time

and i'm proud of her, the girl i've been

she is not perfect

or tidy

or a wallflower

but she is gentle

and chaotic

maybe a little special? (but i think everyone is special...)

and i'm glad i appreciate her a bit more now, i'm going to take better care of her wild heart and try to never forget, 

 that if i had taken my life at 27

or seventeen

or seven,

i would never know this feeling. this feeling of being truly alive, the way i always pretended i was

                                                                          yes i tried to take my life at 27

                                                                                       i was reborn at 28

                                                                 my veil is gone, and nothings the same 

and for the first time,

that's okay.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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