Taehyun - Blind

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Hello everyone! 👋👋👋

Thank you so much for reading my story! I'm new on writing on Wattpad but I have written very much stories! Hope you have a good day! Stay safe! ✌️✌️✌️

Don't read if you're uncomfortable!

TXT where now sitting in the car on the way to their first concert for their tour. They were all super exited!

Once they arrived they all went to change clothes because their performance is going to start soon.


We're all standing on the edge between backstage and the stage.
I'm hearing the screams and talks from MOAS and I'm sure that hyungs are hearing it too. We really love it!
Just the thought that we have millions of people that support us and will always protect us.
It's an amazing feeling!
We're going soon! Just a few seconds away!


The lights turns off and the crowd gets silent. Then a little bit of light turns on and the music start playing as the crowd started cheering and screaming when TXT started singing their song Tinnitus as they went on stage. The members felt like they were on their way to heaven. Their happiness can not be explained in words. Everyone is really happy!

Yeonjun POV

My ears is filled with MOAS cheering and screaming. I love them so much!
We are now singing and dancing with our whole heart!!!

??? POV

I am slowly getting impatient to start my plan. I'm forced to watch this disgusting consert by this ugly boys.
But soon it's all going to end.
I can feel the smirk forming on my face. They really think that they are good just because these b!tches around me are cheering and screaming to them.
My boss called me a month ago and gave me a mission to kill one of the TXT members. My mission was to kill that ugly shorty Taehyun 🤮
The boss told me that I'm going to their dirty, expensive consert just to destroy them. The plan is to spray a corrosive liquid in his eyes that will make his eyes corrode and he will definitely die!

I have my spray in my bag and waiting for them to come close.
But I need to do it when Taehyun is really near and the crowd will push theirselves to him so no one will notice me spraying the liquid in his eyes.

Magical timeskip

(Still ??? POV)

I'm getting more and more inpatient for every minute.
It's already been 30 minutes!!!
But now it's showtime!
They're coming near my side now.
The crowd is starting to push and kick just to get to touch their hand.
Gosh this is annoying!

Yeonjun POV

We're all running around the stage touching MOAS hands. The smile never left my face. I walk to Beomgyu as he also looked so happy as me.
"This is an amazing feeling right", I said while poking Beomgyu with my elbow.
"Yeah hyung, just the thought that more that millions of people support us is amazing", Beomgyu said happily.

Just when we was waving at some fans we heard a loud scream.
When we turned around we say Taehyun sitting on the ground holding his face while he was screaming and crying.
We panicked as we run up to him fast and picked him up backstage and the staff members canceled the rest of the consert as it was just a few minutes left.

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