Chapter XXIV

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Seulgi's POV

"Sleep beside me love." she said. God! This is not a dream right? I felt my face heating up, my vision started to become blurry as the my tears falling down. I sat up. I wipe my tears frustratedly, cause it's starting to irritate me that it's keeping me from having a sight of her.

"Why are you crying?" I heard a giggle that I know all too well. That made me sob more. "Hey, hey. Stop." She held my hands stopping me from wiping my tears off.

"I can't see you." I pouted. I heard her laugh and felt her cup my face.

"Why don't you calm down first, hmm?" I nodded but still keep on sobbing. I felt her hand on my chest. "We don't want this heart of yours to give up on us now, do we?"

"I'm fine now love." I said between my cries.

"I know. I know. But please calm down now, you're scaring me." She said and I tried my best to do it. Soon enough my tears stopped and I did calm down. I look up to her.

"Am I dreaming?" I held her hand. "Is this really real? You're awake." She smiled at me as she leaned down and press our forehead together.

"You must've been so tired to be in that deep of slumber, love." She didn't answer my question.

"Please let this be real." I closed my eyes. "Just please. I don't want to go on another day without you love. Please." I begged. Next thing I knew was her, closing the gap between us. I felt my tears starting to fall again. I missed you. I don't care if this is a dream or not she's here. I grabbed cup her face to deepen the kiss.

"Love" She said between the kiss. It's like she wants to tell me something, but I just keep on kissing her. Until I heard a loud scream behind me, that made me stop and move away.

"What the hell Seulgi! My sister just woke up and you're doing that already!? I get that she's been asleep for months and you probab--- God! That's not the point! You can't do that!" I turn around and face unnie. Then I realized I'm not dreaming at all. I look at the person I just made out with.

She's leaning back to her pillow now biting her lip and smiled with satisfaction written all over her face. I just look at her dumbfounded.

"Your lips were a little pale earlier and now--Oh! Who am I kidding!?" Unnie put down the tray of what I think were food on the bedside table. She look at me. "You didn't even held back there, Seulgi. I didn't know you can be the type." She look at me from up and down. "You're too innocent looking!"

"T-this isn't a dream?" I asked stuttering. Unnie scoff and throw a pillow from Irene's side to my face.

"That's how you dream of my sister?! Yaaah!" She was about to throw me another pillow but a barked then stopped her. We all look at him.

"So this is real?" Happiness fill into my system. I look at the girl who's staring at me amused. I stand up from the chair and was about to get to her, excitedly, but then I was stopped. She scoff and held her laugh as her sister got her hold on my shirt stopping me from getting close to her.

"It's real, but seriously! My sister just woke up."

"Unnie I just want to hug my girlfriend!" I whined.

"Hug? You just made out with her! I just went down to get some food, when I came back you're already eating each other out!" She then face Irene. "And didn't I tell you to just wake her up and tell her to sleep comfortably?"

"I did, but then she started crying that scared me. All of a sudden she was asking if it was a dream and I kissed her to prove a point that's it's not. It's not my fault she deepen the kiss, I'm not complaining though." I was flustered at the last thing she said. She face me with a smirk on her face. "Aww!" She said when unnie smack her arm.

"Unnie!" I called out. "She just woke up!" I said to her. Unnie look at me in disbelief. I then remember that's what she said to me just earlier.

"You two are unbelievable!" She said. She walk to where Val is an pick him up. "You're going with me. I can't leave you here with these two." She said to him before looking at us. "Feed your girlfriend first before you go back to sleep." She turn her back on us.

I look at my girlfriend. I can't believe this! She open her arms wide and I went in for an embrace.

"Seriously, you two." I her unnie spoke behind me again. I was about to let go and face her but then Irene didn't let go of me.

"Go out now unnie!" Irene said to her.

"No naughty things Irene! You heard what your doctor said earlier, don't force yourself to move too much yet, you've been asleep for months." Doctor? Does that mean she's been awake for more hours now and I've just been asleep?

"Okay, okay! Besides, Seulgi will do all the work." She said that made me frozen in her embrace. What?

"Seulgi, I'm warning you!" Unnie said before I heard the door shut.

Irene laugh and loosen her hold on me. I move away. She held my face as her expression changes.

"I'm glad you're safe." She look at me so lovingly. Her eyes starts to glisten. "It scared me when I woke up, but then I saw you." She smiled. "You don't know how much of a relief that is, the moment I saw you here. I would never want to wake up if something worse happened to you." This time a tear drop from her eyes. I wipe it off and caress her cheek.

"Thank you for saving me." I said to her. I don't want to question why she did that anymore because I know her reason and I get it. "and thank you for waking up now." She scoff at what I said.

"You wont scold me for doing that?" She asked. I smiled at her, shook my head, and leaned in to kiss her forehead.

"No." I move away from her and went to her other side of the bed, where her food is. I sat on the bed and took the bowl of food. "What's important is we're both fine. Now, eat your food love." I offered her a spoonful.

"That's a lot." She said looking at it.

"You need to eat a lot--" She shake her head.

"Just lessen it please." I sighed and do as she say.

"Here." I said. She smiled at me before eating it.

"Tell me what happened after the accident." She said. Is it okay telling her this now? I look at her. "It's fine Seulgi, tell me." She squeeze my hand.

"You and the driver were the ones you got affected more. The driver's okay now though." I continue to feed her and she just nodded at what I said. "The others and I got a few bruises, nothing that serious, from the crash." I said. She tried reaching for the glass of water to drink, that I just get myself and give it to her. She eyed me while having a drink. I don't know if I should tell her now about what happened to me at that time.

"Something else happened." She said putting down her drink. "Am I right?" I nodded.

"I became emotionally unstable that time." She look at me worriedly. "But hey! I'm here now!" I said assuring her. "Alive and fine." She nodded.

"What did your doctor said about your condition? Did it worsen?" She look down and played with her fingers. I smiled at her question. I put her food back on the table, before facing her. I took both her hand with mine.

"Hey. Look at me." I called her softly. "Up here." I said. I smiled at her. "When I said that I'm fine now, I mean it." She was about to say something again but then I didn't let her. "I got in a critical condition that time, after the accident. There was no way of saving me anymore, unless they found a heart donor that time and they did." I lift up her hand close to where my heart is. "It beats just fine now. You don't have to be sad nor be scared anymore. I got a new heart now and luckily, it still beats for you." I leaned in and kiss her cheek. She then pulled me in a hug.

She was just silently hugging me until I heard a soft sob. I tried pulling out of the hug but she just tighten it.

"Are you crying again?" I asked trying to look at her, but she just won't let me

"No. *sob" She defensively said. I chuckled.

"You are though." I said to her that made her laugh between her cries. I soothed her back to make her calm down. "I love you." I whispered to her

"Love you too." That made me smile so much. Suddenly, I've got a future to look forward to now.

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