T W O ♥️ scars of the past

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March 6th. 5.00 p.m
Seoul university.

Wooyoung hadn't paid a lot of attention in class. He doodled briefly some notes and didn't even turn his laptop on. All he wanted was to rush home.

How did he get into his room? Does he have cameras? Microphones? The new threat he received had taken over his thoughts for hours and therefore he couldn't concentrate on anything else but on how much he wanted to go home.

As soon as the class was over, Wooyoung hurried out of the room. He usually was the last student to leave the class since he liked to pack his bag calmly. His friends said he had a charismatic way to never do things hastily which was all the more surprising to them when they saw him rush out of the amphitheater.

He ran as fast as he could with, a serious expression on his face. He felt the same adrenaline that punched his guts the night of Hongjoong's disappearance. He caught the bus that drove by his home although he usually preferred to walk.

March 6th. 5.30 p.m
Seoul. Wooyoung and Jennie's.

As Wooyoung reached his doorstep, he noticed that his window was slightly open. He rushed inside in such a hurry that he slammed the door behind him and when he reached his room, he was shocked by the mess he has found.

The whiteboard was on the floor, his clothes, his pillows and comforter were spread everywhere on the floor along with all his books, copybooks and college papers. His desk chair was on his bed, the curtain rod was on the floor and some of his most valuable belongings were either broken, on the floor or missing.


Wooyoung took his phone from his pocket and opened the new message.

Ew... You should clean your
room, looks like a pig lives here.

All of a sudden, Wooyoung threw his phone violently through the room. It landed by the door, unbroken. He couldn't control the anger anymore. He knew that his nerves were being played with, that this type of investigation is a game of nerves and the first one to lose control loses the game. He needed to remain calm and to think unhurriedly.

Wooyoung started rummaging his entire room, moving and throwing his own stuff. He searched very thoroughly, trying to find cameras or microphones. He also went to the window to find any small evidence that would bring him closer to the blackmailer.

"What the fuck happened here? What are you doing?" Jennie asked, staring at him like he was some sort of alien.

Wooyoung hadn't noticed that his cousin had entered his room. He was on the floor covered with clothes and was weirdly inspecting his cupboard.

"I... I..." Wooyoung pondered, he hesitated. He needed to find a good excuse but he had never been good at that, especially not on the spot.

"You, you?"

"I'm cleaning."

"Well... It might surprise you but usually when people clean their room, they tidy it, not mess it all up..." She retorted.

Wooyoung felt caught short, he couldn't figure out what to reply to his cousin's sarcasm especially because she was right. But he also knew that sarcasm is always the best answer to sarcasm.

"You've got some super power to guess that don't you?" He said.

"As a matter of fact I do! No seriously what happened?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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