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A large group of Joes a gathered in gym A, the largest gym in the Pit. Majority of them line the walls but there is a smaller group, consisting of Breaker, Cyberdoll, General Hawk, Snake Eyes, and Doc, in the centre of the gym. "Thanks again for allowing us to test this thing out Snake." Breaker states while holding a small device in his hand. Breaker and Cyberdoll have been working diligently for weeks to perfect a stun weapon. They have finally reached the human testing phase of their project. They have held a handful of testing sessions so far, all with various Joes that have volunteered to participate. Now it was time for the ultimate test, each Joe so far reacted differently over different levels. It became quickly apparent that no person will be effected the same as others. So, Breaker had asked Snake Eyes if he would allow them to test it on him, seeing as the ninjas training has helped him to be able to handle injuries, poisons, and other types of things that would normally incapacitate someone, better than a "normal" person.

The ninja shrugs before signing, 'It's for a good cause.' The rest of the Joes that stood along the walls, Alpha Team included, had all heard that Snake was going to do this and have gathered to see what happens. "Ok, whenever you guys are ready you can start." Hawk says, before him and Doc head over to join the crowd of spectators. First, Breaker directs Snake to how far he has to stand from him and Cyberdoll. Once the ninja is in position they begin the test. "Alright, I'm gonna start with level 1, some people got a headache, others a little nauseous, when hit with this level." Cyberdoll warns. Snake nods and stands ready. Orange energy irrupts from the device when Breaker fires it. The energy beam hits Snake in the chest before dissipating. "Anything?"Breaker asks. Snake signs back, 'Sort of tickled.' There is a collection of amused chuckles from the other Joes. "Ok, level 2." Once again an orange beam is fired at Snake, the results were a little better this time. 'Little nauseous.'

They continued going up through the levels each time getting better and better results. "Ok, we are going to level 8. Now most were knocked out at this level for a few minutes. Others only a few seconds." Breaker informs Snake. Now no one is expecting this level to knock the ninja out, as so far the worst reaction he has had was getting dizzy for a few seconds after the last test. Like every time before, Snake gives a nod in understanding. Breaker lines up the shot and fires. Instead of an orange beam, a red beam shoots out, it hits Snake Eyes square in the chest like the other shots had. The ninja is thrown back nearly ten feet before landing hard on his back. He lays there limp, not so much as a twitch. There's complete silence, and for a couple moments of shock, no one moves. "Oh my God" Breaker breathes out, his sudden whispered voice bringing everyone back to the present. Doc, Life Line and Hawk quickly move to the downed ninja. Everyone else stands quietly in their places, watching. When Life Line gets up and runs and grabs the AED off the wall the collected Joes' breath catch in their throats. Breaker drops to his knees, Cyberdoll wrapping her arms around him as he mutters, "I killed Snake Eyes," over and over. The rest of the Alpha Team move to stand near the two. They try to offer support by being close, as they also watch Doc do chest compressions on the unmoving form of their resident ninja.

Time seems to come to a stand still as everyone watches and waits. No one heard the casualty alarm sound through the Pit, none of them could give an estimated time on when a full medical team hand entered with a gurney. Everyone was quiet and all eyes were on Snake Eyes' body, as they hoped and prayed to see some thing, anything, to let them know that he was alive. The sudden call of Doc, "He's back!" was music to everyone's ears, sighs of relief being released from them all. They all watch as the medical team get Snake onto the gurney and wheel him out the door. Hawk moves to the Alpha Team and kneels in front of Breaker, who still sits on his knees, Cyberdoll's arms wrapped around him and Roadblock's comforting hand on his shoulder. "This is not your fault. I've been there for every test so far, and this is the first time something has gone wrong. I allowed the test, and Snake agreed to do it. I also know that he wouldn't want you to beat yourself up over this. Doc's looking after him now, I'll keep you all updated. Why don't you go call it a day. Get some rest, it's only 2000hrs, but a little extra sleep won't hurt. Might even help. We will start fresh in the morning, see if we can find out what went wrong." Seeing the hesitate looks on the Alpha Team's faces Hawk internally smiles, knowing that they're all hesitant out of worry. "I'll make it an order if I have to." The team just nod and begin to leave. Hawk grabs Duke's arm to stop him. He knows that he probably doesn't have to say anything, but just in case. "Look after Breaker tonight." Duke nods in understanding, and follows his exiting team.

Snake Eyes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now