Found Family

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The small home stood out. The yard decorated with a plethora of children's toys and multiple vehicles parked in the driveway. The only lights on being in the living room to the left. The slight tinge of the inside light making the soft blue of the outer house glow near the window. He hid in the nearby trees debating his next move. 'Was coming here a good idea? They could help. I know it.' The man thinks over if going to the house is worth the risk. He needs help, he knows without it there's a high chance he won't make it through the night. But to get them involved, to seek their help. Is it worth risking their lives. 'Damn!' if he doesn't go in there 'the safe place' and those after him found him, he is as good as dead.

Inside the group of friends were sharing stories about their funniest missions. "...and then this honest to god goat comes running out, and it just upends Chop sending him tumbling into the mud bit." The collection of laughter echoes throughout the house. "That was good, where the goat even come from?" Breaker asks once the laughing died down. "No idea." Ripcord huffs out between his fading laughter. Duke is about to go into another story when a soft knock is heard from the front door. The team turn to Roadblock, the homeowner, "you expecting anyone? It's almost 2300hrs." Scarlet inquires. The larger Joe shakes his head no and rises to check the door.

The team stand ready for whatever is on the other side of that door, their training preparing them for potential hostels, Block slowly opens it, just enough to see the surprise guest. A slightly short man stands with the aid of the door frame for support. He's got messy blond hair stained with blood; vibrant blue eyes clouded in pain. What's left of his dark clothes is torn and covered in blood, dirt, and soot. Tan skin is visible where the clothing has been ripped away, cuts and bruises scatter across the exposed skin. The man looks like he has been through Hell. Roadblock is about to question who he is and what he wants, when he spies a squared off red mark through a tear in the right shirt sleeve. He grabs the arm and moves the sleeve to fully see what's underneath. What's revealed is a tattoo of rectangular blocks in six rows, alternating between one block and two. The symbol of the Arashikage. "Snake Eyes?!" Roadblock practically shouts as he pulls the ninja inside. Hearing the larger Joe yell, the rest of the team come running into the front foyer and take in the injured ninja. "Oh my God!" The team collectively gasp, Roadblock is holding tightly on to the swaying man. "First aid kit is in the kitchen." Block states to no one in particular, though Tunnel Rat takes off in search of it immediately, while the rest help get their teammate into the living room and seated on the couch. A soft word from Block telling them not to worry about the blood, preventing any hesitation.

Tunnel Rat comes running into the living room holding the first aid kit, the Joes clear a space so that their team medic can take a look at Snake. While Duke tried to talk to their teammate to find out what happened. They noticed that he wasn't dressed for a mission. In fact, he looked to be in civilian clothing. The ninja is in a dazed state. His eyes seem to be drifting everywhere except Duke, who is trying to get his attention for a SitRep. "Come on man. You hear me?" Duke asks concerned, snapping his fingers in front of Snake to try to bring him into the present. He suddenly jumps and lets out a hiss as Tunnel Rat presses on his stomach. The shock of pain looks to have brought him to awareness, his eyes slightly more focused. Roadblock decides to try to talk to him. He moves into his field of vision, Duke sliding out of his way. "Hey buddy. Can you tell us what happened?" The ninja's eyes drift up to meet Roadblocks. The team can see his disorientation, his face contorted in confusion. They thought maybe he didn't understand what was said, he clearly has a nasty head wound and is probably concussed. So, to say they were shocked by his reply is an understatement. "I know you." His confused whisper is followed by his eyes rolling back and his body going limp. Roadblock and Tunnel Rat easily catching their now unconscious friend and they lay him gently on the couch.

"We should call this in." Breaker states as he pulls out his phone. "NO!" Scarlet, Duke and Roadblock shout in unison. "Why? He clearly needs medical help and T-Rat isn't qualified to do more then field aid." Ripcord inquires. Scarlet quickly explains. "He's in civi's, which means one of two things. Either he was working an undercover OP, or this happened while he was 'off duty'. I know for a fact that Snake wasn't sent on an undercover, cause he refuses to do any for reasons that I wont discuss. So, that leaves 'off duty'. Most likely he was ambushed by some sort of enemy. And the only way an enemy would have found him is if they got the info from the Joes." Breaker looks horrified, "You can't actually think that one of our own set Snake up." Duke jumps in to break the rising tension. "We aren't saying that. However, Snake has multiple locations he can go to when he is 'off duty' and when he leaves the Pit it is inputted into our data base on which one he will be staying at each time, just like the rest of us. So, in order for him to have been ambushed the enemy had to get his location from that data base. Meaning we were either hacked, or..." Breaker understands, if the data base wasn't hacked then someone released the info, weather by accident, or on purpose. The team come to a silent agreement to not reach out to the Pit until they know for certain that it isn't compromised.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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