01. bunny

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In hindsight, maybe vandalizing the side of the local convenience store wasn't the best idea.

But hey, community service isn't too bad.

Kenny McCormick's current run in with the law is shockingly his first, at age 23 he's practically a court virgin. The judge took this into account, of course, although the vandalism itself was pretty bad, it was nothing worth any jail time.

Kenny smiled when that was revealed.

He's a clean cut man, the only details giving away his poor upbringing is the shaggy blonde mullet he cut himself, skinny figure and five o clock shadow, with a matching set of dark eyebags.

The judge went easy on him, thankfully, and when he was sentenced to just community service, he was ready to kiss his lawyer on the damn lips.

It was. about mid February, unfortunately for him, because he was sentenced to tutoring with a class in South Park's local middle school for the remaining school year.

Now, Kenny did his research, and that's a bit over the 30 to 90 day period.

Beats jail, though.

He wasn't given too much information about the teacher he'll be working with, and each night before he meets them he prays and prays that it's not Mr. Garrison.

Kenny isn't sure what teachers wear, so he settles for some oversized white button down he stole from one of his roommates, Stan, and a pair of plain, black jeans.

He's escorted to the classroom by the principal, and thankfully the teacher is there alone when he walks in.

"Mr. Stotch," the principal hums, "this is Kenny."

The man at the best looks up with a smile. He's got a scar on one eye, rendering it a glossy white throughout, a clean shaven baby face, and shaggy but well cut blond hair.

"Well, hiya, K-"

He cuts himself off when he sees the taller man.

"K - Kenny. Hi Kenny!"

He quickly regains his composure.

The principal, suspecting next to nothing, leaves the duo to get to know each other.

"Butters... you're a teacher?"

The smaller man chuckles, "haven't heard that name in years."

"Want me to call you something else?"

"Well, I don't really mind it, coming from you. Just, ah, obviously not when students are around, ha."

There's an awkward silence. Butters stands up and brings an empty chair next to his desk.

"Here, sit."

Kenny does as he's told.

"So, uh... what'd you do? I know you're here for community service. Must've been bad."

Kenny shrugs. "Just some vandalism. I, uh, spray painted some shit on the side of a building."

Butters chuckles.

"Gosh, Ken... you haven't changed, have you?"

Kenny feels his face heat up at the nickname.

"Well, don't be nervous. The kids are nice, and it's a language arts class," he begins, winking, "so it can't be that hard, hm?"

"Oh, screw off!"

Kenny nearly didn't graduate because of his low language arts grade.

Kenny notices the lower pitch in Butters' voice, finding it almost charming. He finds himself wanting to chat more just to hear it.

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