Gym Crush

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This is miguel mora x reader one shot
Requested by: No one
F/n(friends name)-16 (p.s. Bad grammar and spelling)

RING RING RIN- "ughhh" I Ground as I set up turning off my alarm and looked at the time "shit i got to get ready" I said myself as I Through my blankets off my body.

Nobody's Pov
As y/n got up and got dressed There was a knock at the Front door. Y/n quickly brush her teeth and hair and ran down stairs to the door.

^Thats what your wearing just so u know

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^Thats what your wearing just so u know

Y/n's Pov
"Y/n lets go we need to get Are coffee before we go" f/n yelled. "Okay Who's car are we taking? I asked with a smile on my face. "Yours I don't really feel like driving" f/n said with a little chuckle at the end. "Okay lets Stop to get coffee and then go to the gym" I said getting in the Drivers seat Of my c/o/y/c(car of your Choice), And f/n got in the passenger seat and plugged in the aux

 "Okay lets Stop to get coffee and then go to the gym" I said getting in the Drivers seat Of my c/o/y/c(car of your Choice), And f/n got in the passenger seat and plugged in the aux

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A/n: this is what f/n is Wearing btw^

Time skip to the gym because your author Is lazy :D(still y/n's pov)

Once We got into the gym f/n and I started to strech In front of the mirror. As I looked in the mirror I saw My gym crush i didnt even Know his name But god was he hot, he had his shirt off and was on the pull-up bar
(Sorry if I get any of the names of the equipment wrong i dont go to the gym💀). "You should totally go talk to him" f/n said With a giggity smile. "Bitch shut up" I said well slightly shoving her as my cheeks start to heat up. As f/n started to do squats i went to the Treadmill.

Time Skip to later

As me and f/n we're packing up My brother Who owned the gym walked out of one of the rooms (if you don't have a brother you do now) "bye y/n, bye f/n see you guys at the house" He said with a slight wave and smile. "Mhm bye" f/n and i say in unison. Right, as we were about to get back in the car f/n Suddenly stop walking "shit I left my phone I'll bear it back" She kept muttering curse words as she walked back. "K" I slightly yelled back at her walking and leaning up against the car A few minutes later Somebody approached me. "Umm you wanted you talk to me?" A masculine voice said. I looked up and seen my gym crush. 'SHIT SHIT SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK' I think as I stiffened up and stood up straight. "Umm who t-told you that?" I asked stuttering out of embarrassment as my cheeks were on fire. "Um you friend said you had something to tell me um im miguel btw" He said God his voice sounded Sweet like honey. "I umm im y/n" I said reaching out my hand for a handshake, He shook my hand back his hands were soft Warm and a little callist. " Anyways you want to ask me something" He said pulling his hand away and crossing his arms over his chest. I'm slightly frowned from the Loss of contact. "Yeah right I um Wanted task for your number" I said slightly fidgeting with my hand Out of nervousness "yeah sure" He says taking his phone and hanging it to me I put my number on and hand it back. "Feature Wife huh?" He said with a slight smirk. I just nodded my head Slightly well, looking away my cheeks on fire. " Maybe you want to Go watch movie or go to eat sometime?" He asked with a genuine smile. 'Aww' I thought as I looked at his smile. "FUCK YES THATS MY BAD BITCH" I hear f/n yell out Miguel just chuckled turn around, said "well see you later future wife" He turned his head slightly winking at me and walked off.

Okay, so that's it for this chapter I hope you guys like it's sorry it's short If you did like it don't be scared to ask for one Don't be a silent reader comment, and vote Make sure you stay healthy, eat food, drink water Don't do drugs and if nobody's told you today you look very Beautiful Have a great rest of your day, afternoon, or night♡♡♡
~ You're author Alice♡♡
Word count: 786

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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