chap 5, the baby daddy?

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its 3am in the morning at holly's house and Lola suddenly feels like throwing up uncontrollably.

she gets out of bed and sprints to the bathroom. Lola was that loud that it woke holly up. ''you good Chica'' she asked. ''no, I feel like my guts getting squeezed'' replied Lola. ''when's the last time you had sex'' asked holly. ''excuse me?'' yelped Lola. ''just answer me'' snapped holly ''um about a week ago'' answered Lola. ''girl what? with who'' asked holly. ''um Aiden and max, in the same day'' answered Lola. ''WHAT'' screamed holly. ''yeah...'' replied Lola. ''girl what has 

happened to you, you were so cute and innocent now you are playing a prince and his fucking brother?'' holly hissed. ''yeah, I know trust me I'm not my biggest fan either holly but I'm not playing max, me and him have something real and passionate. me and Aiden are just too perfect he's my first love, he was so sweet to me at the ball and on our not so dates, see me and Aiden have something to, but I love them both too much to hurt them with whatever I do.

''it sounds like you need to talk to them Lola'' commented holly. ''I've talked to max about it and said exactly what I said to you, that I love him and only him but me and Aiden have something to, and I'm scared to end that by telling him. even in a friend way I'm worried to lose him. I love max but his engaged now and

I'm dating his brother, and I have loved Adrian forever and I always will he's, my dream.'' sighed Lola. ''you need talk to Aiden and tell max this, I'm sure you and max have had your talks but tell Adien all this because you may be choosing him, but he might not choose you'' said holly. 

''yeah, your right'' declared Lola. ''I know I am also I have pregnancy tests in my draw go get one now.'' demanded holly. ''okay, jeez'' said Lola as she walked to the draw and got a test. she sat on the toilet and peed on it, washed her hands, then waited a good 20 minutes. ''holly I can't look, come look for me'' yelled Lola. ''girl stop freaking out, if you are with child the boys will be understanding they're both very understanding people and even if they don't understand, you. 

have me.'' said holly. Lola started tearing up and gave holly a hug. ''okay now tell me what it says'' demanded Lola. ''okay but first tell me, who's do you want it to be?'' asked holly. ''seriously holly, I don't know I think they would both be good fathers but

either way it would be weird because I've dated/hooked up with my child's uncle'' laughed Lola ''yikes, wait so you and max aren't official?'' asked holly. ''stop with these fucking questions and no, now get to the point.'' snapped Lola. ''okay jeez, look

for yourself babe''. said holly showing her the test. ''it's positive, omg I'm pregnant and I don't know the father.'' screamed Lola. ''it's okay there's tests these days to find it out for you all you need to do is go in for one.'' assured holly. ''okay yeah, I'll go do that right now and just won't say anything until I know who the dad is''.  

next 2 weeks

''oh my god you ready?'' asked holly. ''no but let's do this.'' replied Lola. 

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Lola and holly open up the result and Lola's baby daddy is...


''OH MY GOD'' Lola and holly screamed. ''what so now I have to say Hey, your brother took my virginity and were madly in love with each other AND I'm having your baby''. ''consequences of your action's babe'' said holly. ''yeah whatever, I'm going to see Adrien.'' said Lola.

at Aiden's

Lola rings he's doorbell and waits for him to answer. ''Lola? hey why are you here.'' Aiden asked opening the door letting her in. ''we need to talk.'' said Lola sternly. ''okay have a seat'' requested Aiden. ''okay so, me and max have been seeing each other. yes, whilst we have been together, remember the day where you walked in on me and him having a food fight? yeah well, we were having a moment and that night he snuck up to my room (was not planned by the way) 

and he took my virginity. and ever since then we have been on and off or seeing each other and what not and we are very in love. me and him and something real and passionate, you and I have dreams, impossible, to good for me. I'm really sorry to hurt

you like this. it's never what i wanted for us none of this is what i wanted at all. and I'm also carrying your child i found out about 2 weeks ago and wasn't sure if it was yours or max's and I did a test before telling and its yours.'' She blurred out all at once. 

Aiden just stood there. shocked is understatement to say the least. ''get out.'' he said ''Adrian what? no let's just-'' Lola was begging. ''I said get out!!, I want no part in this child's life. and i want no part in yours'' he snapped. ''Adrian please, you don't mean all this. it's YOUR child and I'm me Adrian.'' she cried ''no, you don't get to say that, how dare you. fuck off before I throw. 

you out'' he screamed. Lola jumped back; she had never seen this side of him. ''please I'm begging you Adrien don't do this to yourself, I'm having the baby, and it will need you. I will need you.'' Lola cried ''you didn't need me when max took your virginity. you're just a whore get out of my face. this fucking minute''. he screamed. ''look I know I fucked up and you don't want to be in my life, but I know for a fact you don't mean that you want nothing to do with the baby.''

Adrian just blankly stared at her. not knowing she was. ''your right, I want to be in my baby's life Lola, but I can't.  not when I can't even look at you without feeling sick and knowing you hooked up with my brother MY CHILDS UNCLE.'' he spat. ''without feeling sick? I'm not some disgusting monster Adrien. and me and max are not hooking up. we are in love; I love him Adrien.'' she spat. ''God I hate you.'' snapped Adrian. ''Adrien please don't end us like this.'' Lola cried. ''we are not an ''us'' anymore. you're the one who ended it like this. what did you expect?'' Adrian screamed. ''I don't know what I expected but I do know that I want us to be together, but I love max. that's the problem I love both of you so much I don't know what to do Adrian.'' she cried. ''just fuck off I need you to leave''. he said sternly. Lola nodded and walked away. until she felt Adrien touch her 

arm and pull her around to him. ''what are you doing'' she asked. ''I don't know.'' he said looking into her eyes ''but I do know i can't hate you '' he cried.

She smiled with her tears felt eyes and hugged Adrian. Adrian looked into her eyes. ''you're not a monster I can't look at in fact you're a princess that I can't stop looking at. even now when I hate you. I can't'' he sighed. Lola put her hand on his cheek, and he held it and kissed her she kissed him back. 

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