year 7-10

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I just turned 7 and it's really great you know it's been a couple years now since my dad died I've been really able to cope with it and it has a bother me as much I still ask about him all the time and everybody knows but anyway this was the year that my mom wrote letters to me and telling me that they're from my dad and she told me that they were from him and I don't understand why I believed her but I did I knew my dad died like it was nothing new but a part of me new and maybe hoped that he was still alive so of course I believe that the letter is real every year I would get every month I would get a letter it was from him the letters will make me happy you make me sad until i grow up a little bit and then I finally realize those letters were real and then my dad will never come backI got a little bit older and I'm going to foster care because my mom in her drugs and so I was in there for years then I got out and I came to my Nana's and then I went back to my mom and my mom told all kinds of lies about me how I went to jail and how I did drugs and drank but I didn't I'm not that kind of person to do that stuff Plus why would I do that when I have a little brother to look after yeah it was stressful but I got over it you learn to get over things and then I would listen to my mom so she sent me to my grandmas house and my Nana found out and she took me we went to court everything was all nice and settled my mom found out the papers but my mom didn't want to sign the papers so she hit out I told her that she needs to come out from hiding and sign the papers because it's for the best she moved out of her old house and then she moved in with my grandma and then I don't talk to her as much and then I went off on her and I called her a bad mother and that she doesn't deserve kids left me by myself with my baby brother 4 weeks out of time and then I just got I just got mad at her and I had to tell her how I felt about her those words were the kind that I said and I did pray that God will forgive me for the words that I told her and he did and now like I'm going to church and I have friends and I don't have to worry about where my next meal is going to come from I don't have to worry if you're going to get kicked out of her house anything I can just be a kid like I want that's all I wanted is to be a kid for once and not the adults

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