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Quinn and Veer were jostled by the people drawn to the platform. Three huge screens descended behind the handsome, lanky blond man sporting an all-white outfit in the center of the stage. A contagious melody started, and spotlights brought to life the silhouettes of dancers kept out of sight by the screens.

You have me starin' in

Those windows to paradise

Your direction is what I chase

No lies I'd ever tell

All I can do is lovin' you

If you say yes, baby, I'd lose my mind

The voice was somewhat whiny and close to high-pitched, but there was something about it that was catchy and provocative. The energy of the people around them had Veer moving his hips in tandem with the enticing music. He sensed Quinn's solid body materialize behind him and wrap itself around Veer like desperate vines.

"Mmm, you're so right in my arms," Quinn whispered in Veer's ear, nibbling his earlobe.

Yes, this felt absolutely right and was ominously wrong, but Veer was not going to think about his beliefs now. They'd figure out what to do with this growing happiness later, when they were back in their own time. He put his hands on top of Quinn's, where they rested on his abs, and they both swayed their hips, following the song's upbeat rhythm.

Dancing shadows we are

All through the night

Come on, baby, move me right

Veer craned his neck slightly to look at Quinn and nodded with a wink. He had so many things he wanted to say, but neither the position nor the noise around them would allow those things to come out as they should.

Quinn grabbed him by the hips and guided him to turn around completely without letting go. He kissed Veer lightly on the lips and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I love you."

Stunned, Veer swallowed hard, but the answer bubbled out before he could squash or overthink it. "I love you too." He took Quinn's face in his hands and kissed him for all he was worth.

"It's really nice to see that you two are having so much fun." Ramsey was looking at them with an arched eyebrow, his mouth twisted, and his arms crossed over his chest. He was in frustrated parental mode.

Quinn and Veer separated as if they had been shocked by a trillion volts. Not an easy feat when you have a singing-dancing mob crushing you with minimal room to maneuver.

Ramsey sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. He shook his head and rummaged for something in one of his pockets. "You forgot this. Keep it with you." He thrust the new transporting device into Veer's hand.

Veer didn't know whether to be embarrassed or annoyed. "Ramsey..."

Quinn tried to say something too, but Ramsey put his hand up, silencing both. "I don't wanna know. I didn't see anything."

The song ended and the club exploded in applause and cheers.

Beyond Ramsey's left shoulder, Veer saw their target. "Marmion!"

"Where?" Quinn and Ramsey asked together, following Veer's gaze.

"Okay, do your thing. I'll be outside." Ramsey zigzagged through the crowd and disappeared.

Marmion was gesticulating furiously at Townsend. Wilson tried to put himself between them, but they both pushed him aside and went for each other's throats.

"C'mon, they're about to be thrown out any second!" Quinn grabbed Veer's hand and started to push people out of their way. They'd been too far. By the time they reached their destination, the target and his bodyguards were nowhere to be seen. "Shit, let's go." Quinn kept towing Veer.

Veer saw an exit door closing and two security-looking guys dusting their hands off. "This way!"

They opened the doors to find Marmion and Townsend already rolling on the floor— Marmion with a gun and Townsend with a knife. Wilson pointed a gun at them, yelling at Townsend to leave the boss alone.

Veer yanked his hand out of Quinn's grip. He needed to find a way to engage Wilson in the fight to kill him; the man was too far from the others for it to look like an accident. The ideal resolution would be to use Townsend's knife or Marmion's gun to finish Wilson off and avoid loose ends.

"Where are the others?" Quinn hissed, irritated.

The five of them were alone in that back alley. Wilson circled around the other two; both punching and snarling and kicking. Wilson's pacing put him right in front of Veer, and he had an idea. It was risky, but it could do the deed. He drew his semiautomatic and launched himself at Wilson, the momentum making them both land on Marmion and Townsend.

"VEER, NO," Quinn cried.

Amid the cussing around him, Veer heard the unmistakable ring of metal sliding on metal as Quinn's sword unfolded.

An elbow hit Veer, and he grabbed someone's head. It was Townsend's, and he smashed it against Wilson's face. Veer only had seconds before Quinn entered the row and separated them. He pushed Townsend's hand, stabbing Marmion in the heart, and then with a better grip aimed it at Wilson's throat. He would have to kill Townsend too, there was no other option.

Before the blade could claim its prize, someone yanked Veer and threw him away from the group. The impact knocked the air out of him. He heard two shots fired. When he was able to breathe again and opened his eyes, Quinn loomed over him— the tip of his sword slightly piercing Veer's chest.

Instinct and training surged blindly. The arm holding the semiautomatic sprang to life in exact opposition to the long sword over him. He felt the wet spot growing around the tip of the sword on his chest. He almost squeezed the trigger, but the anger mixed with confusion on Quinn's face stopped him. Shit, he almost shot the man he loved.

"What the fuck, Veer?"

"I have orders," Veer growled, hoping those three words explained everything. He added three more. "Wilson must die." He didn't lower his hand, but it trembled.

"If you kill him, you kill me."




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