How did we get here?

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The day before the real story happened......

Matt's(2pCanada) Pov:

Dumb brother of mine dragging me to a goddamn meeting that is just POINTLESS!!

Luciano(2pNorth Italy) is trying to wake up Lutz(2pGermany), Kuro(2pJapan) is busy reading 18+manga to even notice the chaos happening, Dad-I mean Oliver(2pEngland) is offering cupcakes which are absolutely poisoned, Allen(2pAmerica) was reading the manga with Kuro, Flavio(2pSouth Italy) was talking to Andres(2pSpain), who is ignoring Flavio, about how everyone's fashion taste is terrible and François(2pFrance) was drunk as hell and not paying attention to the chaos as well.

I have kuma next to me along with my hockey stick strapped on my back. I was soooooo bored of this meeting....


Lutz:*fast asleep and snoring* zzzzzz.....

Luciano: Unbelievable....


Oliver: SWEAR JAR!


My headache was already bad when Allen busted down my door and told me there was a meeting. Now it just got worse....

Why did it suddenly go quiet?
I opened my eyes to see Viktor(2pRussia) holding a gun that was pointed to Allen. I turned my head to see what Allen was doing that could have pissed Viktor off, only to see a gun in my brother's possession as well.

My eyes widened as I realized that there was a bullet in the wall, a few centimeters away from my face when I turned to look behind me. I realized that Viktor tried to shoot me and Allen took his gun out in response to this action.

I whipped my head back to the stand off only to hear a click of a gun. Viktor was now pointing the gun to my forehead while standing on the table and I stared into his eyes just waiting for him to shoot me.

He put the gun down seeing how Allen put his gun down as well.

Viktor: This is not over yet Matt...

Allen: Oh shut it, you communist bastard!

Viktor: I believe you should be careful of your word choice, Capitalist trash.

The two then went back and forth from one insult to another. I decided that I had enough and left the room dashing to Oliver's house to get some rest.

Third person Pov:
Matt walked all the way back to the house and went upstairs to his room. His room was covered in hockey themed items, but most were from the 1p world. His bedsheet was the Canadian flag, but it looked a bit ripped.
Matt went to the bathroom to freshen himself up for bed. He got in the warm shower and scrubbed his body from all the gunk on his skin feeling relaxed when he did so.
He got out of the shower and put on a maple leaf patterned boxer with some flannel pajamas. He got into bed and fell asleep almost instantly.

Meanwhile in the 1p world...

Matthew's(Canada) Pov:

The meeting was already downhill as soon as we started.

Alfred(America) was being yelled at by Arthur(England) and Papa Francis(France) for his idea about heroes again. Felicano(North Italy) was annoying Ludwig(Germany) about pasta while Romano(South Italy) is being held back by Antonio(Spain), who is repeatedly saying tomato to calm him down. Gilbert(Prussia) was yelling about how awesome he is while dodging from Elizabeta(Hungary) who was trying to smack him with her frying pan over and over again. Roderich(Austria) is trying to play the piano amongst the chaos. Yao(China) is trying to get Kiku(Japan) to eat some of his Chinese pastries. Ivan(Russia) is scaring the Baltics and Natalya(Belarus) was glaring at anyone who stared at Ivan. Heracles(Greece) is sleeping with his cats. Lukas(Norway) is choking Matthias(Denmark) with his tie. Tino(Finland) was calming Berwald(Sweden) down after a comment that Matthias said. Emil(Iceland) is asleep on Leon(HongKong) with a bird on his head. Allistar(Scotland) was complaining to  his brothers about England being an idiot at embarrassing himself.

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