Looks like the 2ps arrived too early and prisoner is in danger?...

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Matthew's POV:

I woke up to a notification from my phone, which shocked me as no one noticed me enough to text me. I got up from my comfy position on my bed to get my glasses from the night stand. I put my glasses on and turned the lamp on the nightstand on. I stand up to see the message on the phone. I decided to check it after I do my bathroom stuff.

I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair after I entered my bathroom. I changed my boxers into new ones and got into some black leggings and a red long sleeve shirt with a white maple leaf pattern on it. I went back into my bedroom to check my phone for the message. I saw it was on messages and decided to check who sent me the text.

I opened up the app and noticed it was a random number. I read the message and started to feel scared by what it said.

It said: I am coming to get you soon, Mattie...Just you wait...

I stared at the phone with wide eyes wondering who could have sent this. I decided to try and contact Alfred, but he didn't pick up the phone. I tried everyone else that was on my phone and finally one answered the phone. It was Katsuya.

(Ukraine is bold and Canada is italics)

How is it going with you Canada? Are you ok?

No I am not ok Ukraine...Someone sent me a message saying that they are coming to get me and I don't know who sent it...

Do you mind sending me a picture of the message??

Sure, let me screenshot it.

*sends the screenshot picture through messages to Ukraine*

Do you recognize who's number it is?

No, but the number definitely is somewhere from America...Do you have America's number by any chance?

Yeah I do and the number from the picture I sent was not America.

Ok. Canada, I want you to bring this up at the meeting tomorrow and if the message was deleted, the photo you sent me will be enough proof.

Thank you Ukraine! You are a life saver!

Anything for my good friend!

The call with Katsuya ended and just hearing this way to bring it up in the meeting was so brilliant. Maybe I might be noticed! If i ever get the chance to speak that is...
I will wait for Romano to come by to leave his usual remarks. If he actually remembers me unlike last time...

Meanwhile (before the text was sent)...
Matt's POV:

Allen was being more persistent today on sharing something in the meeting. I just rolled my eyes knowing it was about to be something stupid. Luciano was so close to throw one of his knifes again. That is when the words that Allen said rung in my ears.

"We should kidnap Matt's 1p!"

Everyone stared at him with shocked eyes wondering why he would say that. I was shocked too. Why does he want my 1st player? He might be useless for our plan to rule the world.

Luciano: That sounds soooo dumb! They're bound to notice him being missing!

Allen: No they won't!

Oliver: How would you know poppet??

Allen: Well, ya'll know those weird other selves dreams I have? -my headcannon is that Allen gets random 1p memories in the form of dreams, so that is why he got that dream last chapter-

Me: Yeah, what about them?

Allen: Well, in the dream I had, Matt's 1p was so cute and adorable, but when he left the room, MY STUPID 1P THOUGHT HE WAS HALLUCINATING OTHER MATT!!!

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