Ghost town

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As Oswalds daughter and Gabriellas you heard many things at family gatherings, picnics, partys and even just sitting at the couch watching some 80s movie he and his dad liked when Oswald was younger.

however the main reason your dad spoke so much about "bad things happening at Jeffs pizza" the old Abandoned pizza place Oswald went to Which just so happened to be the place you wanted to go to concidering your curiousity.

this night however you were watching the same movie...again as Oswald and Gabriella were the same scene they did last night...jeez this place was boring.

"Dad do we really have to re watch this?...again?" i asked with a sigh sinking back into the couch popping some popcorn into my mouth.

"y/n you know what i tell you everyday..."

"Beggers cant be choosers"
"Beggers cant be choosers" i repeat at the same time my father did.

Gabriella was busy watching while i glared at the Tv.

"Y/n i know this place isnt the most fun-"


"Y/n dont back sas-"


"Y/N! ENOUGH-" Oswald stood up standing infront of me.

"I get you dont wanna start school tomorrow but you have-"

"NO CHOICE? YEAH I KNOW" i snap walking off angrilly storming upstairs.

once i got into my room i slammed my door as hard as i could then jumped in bed "Why the hell cant something fun happen!" i complain into my pillow.

by mistake i fall asleep until 5am when my alarm goes off for school.

dragging myself from the comfort of my bed and warm blankets i get dressed for my first day of class.

i change into a black hoodie and some dark blue jeans with a black belt. my hair down i brushed it infront and threw my hood on with some headphone on the hood over my ears. i blasted my favorite song and threw my backpack over my shoulder zipping up my black boots and walking out the door.

i walked down the street dimly lit by the sunrise. it only took me a 15 minutes to get to school as i walked in and grabbed out the paper of my classes. it was all confusing but i figured it out walking to the third floor to my locker code 1027. i put my stuff in the locker using the Combination lock the school provided.

only taking out my binder of empty papers for drawing and a novel i was reading with my pencil case.

i sat down infront of my first class 318 by the door reading my novel waiting for 9 when school started.

many kids rushed in running around laughing and talking till it hit 9 and i walked into the class taking the seat by the window all at the back of the class. the clouds were grey and the sky was dripping with rain. the teacher blabbered on welcoming us and then my worst fear.

"Y/n our newest student will be joining us today i want you all to be nice to her and show her the schools team spirit" the teacher spoke up

i cringed at her corney Sentence as everyone in the class turned in their chairs to me. my heart dropped as i awkwardly waved cringing inside at myself.

just when i started to doodle a cat on my paper hanging by its paw from the big bold letters on the papers the teacher raised her hand pointing at me making everyone turn to me again.

"Y/n i know youre new but Hoodie off"

i glared inside that hadnt changed as i took off my hoodie with a glare mumbling about how i already hated this teacher.

she was loud and annoying. the rest of the day was just as boring all the teachers complaining at me about paying attention in class and another about talking in class when i was giving a pencil to some stupid bitch who lost hers. i already knew for a fact i hated this school.

in the ending minutes of the day i practically ran to my locker Putting in the combination 13 19 33 and grabbing my stuff immedietly shoving it all in my bag and running down the stairs out the doors.

the walk home was torture as it was raining on my head and i had no umbrealla and passing the place i so Desperately wanted to go "Jeffs pizza" i wanted to go so bad but i wasnt allowed to so i walked home and threw my backpack in the corner going to the kitchen for a sandwich and a bottle of water.

i headed upstairs my greedy pig like cat following me nagging for the meat. i smiled and fed him some meat then pet him and chuckled "Greedy little thing"

the rest of the day i just slept...again it was 10 and my dad came home.

i came downstairs and walked up to my dad "Hey dad?"

"Hm?" he raised his head at me waiting for the question holding a towel about to shower

"Why cant i go to jeffs pizza?"

"Y/n weve been through this" he looked frustrated and placed down the towel

"But you arent telling me why why cant i go?"

"BECAUSE I SAID I DONT WANT YOU GOING YOU ARENT GOING AND THATS FINAL!!!" He slammed his hands down on the counter making me jump tears filled my eyes as i stormed off into my room

i was going rather he liked it or not...

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